OM HAM of the Year 2010

OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller OM1AEG, Anton Srnka. The public is known for its activity around smugglers, echo line or APRS. OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller, OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller, that he participates in the operation of smugglers OM0OVV (Chamois, Bratislava), OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller (Veľká Javorina), OM0OUB (OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller, Bratislava), OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller, OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller, OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller,…

OM1AEG tone with disassembled OM0OUB controller!

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