Occasional operation – OM500KM
On the occasion of the proceedings 8. year of the international veteran rally 500 km Slovak will be QRV under the occasional call sign OM500KM Braňo OM2FY and Rišo OM2TW. The operation from the event center in Trenčianske Teplice will be in days 10.-12.6.2004 in bands 80-6m by CW operations, SSB, RTTY, TU5PCT QSL. Until the Slovak Castles and Chateaux diploma, it will be valid under the reference number TN-34. They will operate simultaneously for most of the duration of the event 2 radiostanice. Established connections will be confirmed by occasional QSL cards. Send QSL via OM2FY.
Braňo OM2FY and Rišo OM2TW are looking forward to hearing from you