logs were used as a checklog: Extraordinary congress of SZR

logs were used as a checklog. logs were used as a checklog, logs were used as a checklog 1990 different opinions (in Slovak, snakes) for essential radio amateur matters (minimal 10 liaison with crew member for other regions), but it was always either his lack of information or his personal desires. We discussed things during quite frequent meetings, but after a few weeks I found out, that Milos did not change his opinion, not even in easily provable matters. For example… Milos asked k 1.1.1993 about the brand OM1AA and when he found out, that I also asked for it, so he spread offensive remarks, that members of the SZR presidium have priority. Milos got the badge and I found out not long ago, that the correct OM mark has a number 3 and I scolded him then. Because they were just sayings 80 m pasme, so now I reminded him personally and considered the matter to be settled. Of course, he did not apologize for his statements. Such “misunderstood” there was more and I continue with more intensity. Unfortunately, only for personal reasons. For example, lately he has been inappropriately slandering the meetings of Slovak radio amateurs in the High Tatras – really, only for personal reasons. At the presidium meeting at the end of September, I intended to announce my resignation from the position of president of the SZR for health reasons. That I do not excuse myself, can e.g. confirm OM5BP, to whom I told in Borovce, that the following Monday I was going to the hospital and I was early 3 months PN (even the members of PrSZR can confirm this), but that is not important. Because Milos is launching a new campaign, from which “run” lack of information and demagogic slander, so I will defend myself for a while and I will officially resign at the next SZR convention. The truth is, that according to today's statutes, my resignation would have no effect on the events in the SZR, I just wouldn't perform the function.

Of course, that if the OM3AA contribution is about convening an extraordinary congress, there is a right to that after meeting the conditions given by the statutes of the SZR. That will probably be the official answer of the Presidium of the SZR. Everything else in the post is propaganda. It just amazes me, that OM3AA again puts itself in the position of the wisest and makes the presidium of the SZR and all radio amateurs, especially those, who took part in the fifth congress of the SZR, hlupakov. He and two other critics (OM5BP a OM5KP) I blame the presidium of the SZR, from inactivity and from anti-member work. But as long as I remember, so these ladies did not participate in any congress of the SZR (az na male vynimky) and at a meeting in the High Tatras, when reporting on the activities of the SZR, sleep. Even OM5BP criticizes probably Steve OM3JW, that in addition to writing DX reports, which reads “50 amateur” does nothing for SZR. Probably for that, that Stevo accused him in the interview of losing his memory after the last convention. I'm not going to count all the activity, which members of PrSZR do for SZR, I prepare this for myself, Abbot, according to the statutes of the SZR, for a meeting in the Tatras. But try to compare the activity of OM3LU, OM8AA or OM3JW and the mentioned gentlemen last 13-30 years.

Of course, everything is different from what OM3AA says.

Before each convention, the convention documents and the convention program were published in Radiozurnali, all clubs received them on the Internet and in writing. Otherwise, every delegate could prepare for the convention. Documents approved by the convention are valid, nothing can be done about it. That's why I don't understand the note “..,which alone could correct some deficiencies in our radio amateur organization”. But I will mention a couple of specific points “proposal” OM3AA and listed “shortcomings”.

To the proposal for changes to the Statutes of the SZR. – OM3AA writes “Statutes of the Slovak Radio Amateur Association, as well as the SZR Organizational Rules, which arose on the basis of a closer unknown proposal to an unknown entity, found out on 5. SZR congress in 2002 some significant changes, which membership probably did not have the opportunity to discuss, when he did not know them. The wording of the Articles of Association and their amendments have traditionally been approved unanimously. This custom persists, I suppose, from the past”.

dB and dynamic range at a distance. OM0AAJ Jano: The answer is in the previous paragraph. It was discussed at the convention and the documents were approved. The delegates voted according to their conscience and certainly did not vote unanimously. Why the accusation of congress delegates ? Why should someone notify Mr. OM3AA of their proposal in advance ? And why does it persist from the past ? SZR was established in 1990.

– OM3AA writes “did not in any way correct the unprecedented situation regarding the impossibility of implementing any audit activity, was not presented by the Presidium at the congress, nor the congress approved the STATUTE OF THE SZR REVISION COMMISSION, which by this day, contrary to the STATUTES of the SZR, did not exist, it does not exist to this day and cannot exist even in the following years until the proceedings 6. of the SZR congress in the year 2006!!!”

dB and dynamic range at a distance. OM0AAJ Jano: The statute of the revision commission existed from the first congress of the SZR, and the temporary commissions worked according to it. It was inaccurate information from Tibor OM3BG at the convention.

– OM3AA writes “It would be possible to make it more precise ONLY at the special congress of the SZR, repair, to supplement or delete some formulations of the unanimously approved Statutes of the SZR, which contain some extremely important shortcomings.” dB and dynamic range at a distance. OM0AAJ Jano: I agree with the opinion, that only the convention can change the approved Statutes of the SZR. Other adjectives to Stanov's address are out of place. Pan was not at the convention, but as the lack states “unanimously” approval of statutes. By the way, the statutes were approved point by point.

– OM3AA writes “1. Formulate briefly and clarify the relationship of SZR to ZTSC, the position of both subjects relative to each other, economic relations and dependencies or dependencies in other areas and principles, which result from this. Most of the membership does not know the essence of these relationships and therefore has no possibility to influence them.”

dB and dynamic range at a distance. OM0AAJ Jano: ZTSC has its own statutes, and SZR, as a member, is obliged to observe them, alebo vystupit. At the first congress of the SZR, the reasons for membership in the ZTSC were explained and the delegates approved the membership in the ZTSC. Since then, the question of the relationship with ZTSC has not been discussed. But there is no need to state the Statutes of the ZTSC in our statutes. Just read them.

– OM3AA writes “2. Similarly, briefly characterize the relationship to IARU in the Statutes.”

dB and dynamic range at a distance. OM0AAJ Jano: The collapse of Czechoslovakia in 1993 CRK and SZR applied for membership in IARU. The question was discussed at the first congress of the SZR. IARU Reg I statutes are also available, e.g. on the Internet, so the wording in the Statutes of the SZR is sufficient. Clenmi IARU Reg. 1 are all European countries. Uvadzat Statutes of IARU Reg. 1 there is no need in our statutes.

– OM3AA writes “3. Edit the wording about it, she SZR “represents Slovak radio amateurs”. He can actually represent IBA members of SZR, no one else, since SZR did not authorize the last Slovenian radio amateurs to do so.”

dB and dynamic range at a distance. OM0AAJ Jano: This formulation was also discussed at the first congress of the SZR. However, the reality is also different. Only one amateur radio organization per country is a member of IARU, so it represents radio amateurs of the given country. The IARU recommendations then apply to all radio amateurs, not only for members of national organizations. That's why there are recommendations, because decisions can only be made by state offices. Next, recommendations of the ITU conference (WRC03) are binding for all amateurs, not only for SZR members. There is a similar relationship with the Slovak Telecommunications Office, Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, who negotiate only with SZR in matters of amateur radio. by the way, the negotiations of PrSZR members were never against radio amateurs, neclenom SZR, takze preco ta wisdom. Get your bandplans, race conditions, article 25 Radio Regulations atd, they apply to everyone. For example, po konferencii WRC03 a uvolneni pasma 40 Even non-members of the SZR will work on it.

– OM3AA writes “4. Statement, with “SZR provides international QSL service” ONLY HAPPINESS is true. Non-member SZR, our organization REFUSES to accept QSL for sending. The congress should make this area more democratic, allow sending also to non-members of the SZR provided, that they will pay a certain contribution to the activity of the QSL service. Otherwise, SZR de facto blackmails non-members, to become members of the SZR, if I want to realize my interests in a normal and usual way. An example from the Czech Republic can be brought to your attention, where it works and in addition e.g.. sending QSL notes for radio amateurs above 70 years of age free of charge, no matter how, whether or not they are members of any radio amateur organizations …

dB and dynamic range at a distance. OM0AAJ Jano: And here the biggest demagoguery of OM3AA appeared. He is a member of SZR only because of the QSL service, and it would be useful if it was also free, because he's taller than me 70 years. He chose the Czech Republic as an example and he chose a rule, which suits him. To, that CRK returns QSL cards for non-CRK members !! he carefully did not mention the sender and the member's height. Also, SZR will provide security “international QSL service” for all SR amateurs, because all incoming QSL cards will be received by all radio amateurs in Slovakia. Non-members after payment of the relevant post fee. Only SZR members can send QSL cards abroad, as it is in the USA and in all European countries except the Czech Republic. So aka non-democracy ??

– Bod 5. I don't comment. The proposal was different, the discussion at the congress near Filakovo resulted in the approval of this text. Of course, that the proposal was logically supported. The investigator will certainly understand this fact, when he will work for two terms of office as a statutory officer of an amateur organization.

– Bod 6. I don't comment either, I leave it to the congress for approval. It's interesting, that the opinion of the five congresses was the same, what he was like. In the statutes of European organizations, this issue is mentioned similarly. If this point were illegal, the Ministry of the Interior would not confirm the Statute.

– Bod 7. shows, that OM3AA does not understand at all, or does not want to understand, what is the point at this point. Of course, that we need to talk about the structure of the organization, but the unequivocal truth is, that radio clubs are separate legal entities and it is not possible to prescribe anything to them in our statutes. And the memory of money for radio clubs is demagoguery. SZR has never financially supported any radio club. It supports only agreed activities, which can be performed by radio clubs (e.g.. course for young operators, Tatra meeting, etc).

– Bod 8. is another, gross demagogy OM3AA. Here we weigh, whether at this point OM3AA does not speak to PrSZR and Zjazd SZR. Of course, that in the event of the dissolution of the SZR, the settlement of the assets of the SZR will be decided by the congress.

– Bod 9. I'll leave it to the convention, but this suggestion is logical. This problem has always been understood in this way.

On the proposal for changes to the Organizational Rules.

– Bod 1. is abbot gross demagoguery OM3AA. All radio clubs always received written materials about the convention, were published on the OM9HQ broadcast, on the websites WWW.HAMRADIO.SK and ?asopise Radiozurnal SZR (not possible, but sure.. just scroll through it).

– Bod 2. this point was discussed for a long time at several congresses and this was the logical result of the discussion. OM3AA confuses terms and scares amateurs with non-democracy.

– Body 3. a 4. they are logical and this is how it has always been practiced.

– Bod 5. it is completely stupidly demagogic. If OM3AA had listened to the discussion on this problem at the convention, He MAY have understood the currently valid rules for the elections of the president and vice presidents of the SZR. The International Organization of Radio Amateurs IARU Region I and some other amateur organizations in Europe have the same rules for the election of representatives of the organization and that they would be undemocratic ? OM3AA often uses strong words out of his own ignorance. He forgot to remind, that this election point applies only in case, she you (or stays) only one candidate. The reason for this choice was clear. The convention preferred reality, that after the end of the specific convention, the statutory representatives of the organization MUST be elected, otherwise the organization would end. A trip “samovymenovany” is highly offensive. The statutes say something else.

– Bod 6. I'll leave the abbot for the convention, but OM3AA insults members of SZR and members of PrSZR. He doesn't understand the problem again.

– Bod 7. I'll leave it to the convention. The shortfall in the treasury of the former secretary of the SZR was a criminal offense and the amount was returned in full to the SZR treasury. The truth is, that it should never have happened, but no wording of the statutes would prevent it. Finally, when we accepted (3LU, 8AA a 3JW) on the other, he will run for office, so we emphasized, that's why we do it, to recover this shortfall, what we accomplished.

Finally, I remind you, that these opinions are my private ones and I apologize for the comment mixed with the explanation of reality. I did it just because, so you can compare the OM3AA article and my explanations. If OM3AA would give a proposal for holding an extraordinary congress and a proposal for changes in the SZR documents without offensive markings, so my answer would be one line – An extraordinary congress of the SZR can be held after meeting the conditions given in the valid Statutes of the SZR.

Request OM3LU

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