SJ9WL/LG5LG – Morokulien
Less Morokulien is composed of the Norwegian word "moro" and the Swedish word "kul", both mean fun. The suffix "-ien" means "together" (two words in one) and thus the name of the state Moro-kul-ien was born. Morokulien is a "radio amateur state" on the border between Norway and Sweden. The special call sign for the Norwegian side is LG5LG and Swedish SJ9WL. If a radio amateur visits Morokulien, one day it broadcasts under the Norwegian call sign and the next day under the Swedish call sign.
Amateur radio enthusiasts can rent the station during the holidays, weekends, weekly, or daily. Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity and experience a real "pile-up" from the most famous radio amateur station in the world. If you want to visit and rent Morokulien station SJ9WL/LG5LG, email manager SM4SXQ:
The costs are 350 SEK / 300 NOK is 24 h, or 37 € do 5 persons. You need to bring food and things to sleep on. Transmitters are Icom IC-756PROIII and Icom IC-706MKIIG with RTTY capability, APRS, BPSK31. Antennas for KV are dipoles on 160, 80, 40 a 30 meters. Pre 20, 17, 15, 12 a 10 the meter band is new here 8 element logarithmic-periodic antenna. For VHF-UHF bands (80 to 1680 Mhz) is 21 elemental LP antenna. Pre 50 MHz i 6 Yagi element antenna and vertical for 2 meter, 70 cm a 23 cm. The new mast is 32 meters high and the KV LP antenna is placed 27,5 meters high, 50 MHz antenna is 29,5 metro and LP antenna for VHF-UHF is located in 31,5 meters. All the way up in 32 meter height is fixed vertical for VHF-UHF bands.
YOU 73! Fairy, OM3CAQ