IARU Region 1 UHF/SHF/Microwave Contest 2024
Apparently, VKV radio amateurs are in for a race in the unfriendly autumn weather, IARU Region 1 UHF/SHF/Microwave Contest. The first full weekend in October from Saturday
Read more...Very short waves (abbreviation VHF or VHF from English Very High Frequency) includes frequencies from 30 do 300 MHz, which corresponds to wavelengths 1 m to 10 meters. The spectrum of UHF and SHF frequencies extends above them, so-called. microwave.
Apparently, VKV radio amateurs are in for a race in the unfriendly autumn weather, IARU Region 1 UHF/SHF/Microwave Contest. The first full weekend in October from Saturday
Read more...Sputnik 1 bol prvou umelou družicou Zeme, ktorú vypustil Sovietsky zväz 4. October 1957, teda pred 67 years. Tento historický
Read more...IARU Region 1 VHF Contest je prestížna rádioamatérska súťaž organizovaná Medzinárodnou rádioamatérskou úniou (IARU) pre oblasť regiónu 1, ktorý zahŕňa
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Read more...Unofficial result sheet (Watch. 20240924) is issued to the public in order to reduce the number of errors in the subsequent final result sheet. If me
Read more...The first full weekend in September, since Saturday 7. September 14:00 do nedele 8. September 14:00 UTC, will take place in the IARU Region
Read more...A group of operators – Richard IS0JHQ/OM2TW, Jozef OM5AW and Remco PA3FYM will work from Sardinia in the IARU VHF Contest 2024 With
Read more...The SN7L team cordially invites you to participate in the IARU VHF race 2024, in which they will be active as every year.
Read more...On his way back from the Falklands, Gerry G3WIP stops at Ascension Island. It plans to use it to activate the QO-100 as a satellite
Read more...3. subregional races always attract a lot of radio amateurs. Not everyone's goal is to win, but that doesn't bother a lot of enthusiasts. Traditionally many
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