Recenzia RTL SDR v3 NEWGEN
Reception of various signals through SDR USB devices are very popular. In addition to receiving, such a device can be used as SDR adapter showing the signal spectrum for transceivers, for example FT-1000MP, These are a key factor determining properties such as the selectivity and durability of the receiver or other.
How the green RTL SDR v3 NEWGEN behaves in practice?
TIP The dynamic range of the SDR receiver is determined by the bit depth of the ADC chip
The ability to process both weak and strong signals at the same time is called dynamic range. The main limiting element in SDR receivers is the ADC chip, more precisely its bit resolution. if it is 8 bits, the maximum dynamic range is 48 dB, pre 12 bits is 72 dB, pre 16 bits 96 dB and top resolution 24 bits enables dynamic range 144 dB
Basic features of RTL SDR v3 NEWGEN
The manufacturer declares, that it is a new generation SDR receiver RTL-SDR s RTL2832 ADC, 0.5 PPM TCXO, SMA female connector and aluminum case ensuring passive cooling. Presented the frequency range is from 25 MHz do 1700 MHz. Connection via USB 2.0 port (works on USB 3.0). Supported OS are Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android I for example Raspberry Pi. Dimensions 6.7cm x 2.5cm x 0.9cm
Practical use of RTL SDR v3
The reason for buying this SDR receiver was a request reception of the QO-100 satellite. By combining a cheap TV LNB and an RTL SDR receiver, signals from this satellite can be processed very easily. The LNB converts signals to a frequency of approx. 739 MHz, where I am SDR receiver will process.
The installation starts with the driver Zadig and choosing the appropriate SDR software. I used an old netbook with an Intel Atom processor for reception 1,6 GHz (1GB RAM, Windows 7) a SDR Console. This 15-year-old netbook also handles modern SDR software as long as a large number of functions are not used.
Here, one big advantage of the RTL SDR v3 over the RSP1a receiver is revealed - the hardware requirements are much lower. The RSP1a receiver is beyond the power of the old netbook and the reception is choppy.
There were no dynamic range issues when receiving the QO-100. The reception is very clean and pleasant. The width of the processed spectrum was set to 1 MHz.
The housing of the receiver heats up significantly during prolonged operation. The estimated temperature is 50 to 60 degrees.
I also used the RTL SDR as a measuring device when setting uBITX TCVR. Even in amateur conditions, I could thus measure IMD products.
The frequency range starts from 25 MHz. There are several instructions circulating on the Internet on how to achieve reception even at lower frequencies, but I was not successful with the software setting. But because of that, that it is about 8-bit ADC RTL2832U, so I would not recommend reception with this SDR on short waves even with a converter. But you can build with him WebSDR receiver for higher frequencies.
Cheap RTL SDR v3
the area, where the RTL SDR v3 shines is the price. You can get a receiver for a few euros, with which reception can be tested in amateur radio bands with all modulations (AM, NFM, FM, DSB, USB, LSB, CW, FT8 etc.) or other services, or by connecting to the intermediate frequency of the existing receiver or TCVR to obtain SDR adapter.
This is fake and not RTL-SDR v.3 Original RTL-SDR v.3 has option to activate Bias
(feeding the LNA via coax) and also mod “Direct sampling” which will enable reception in the short wave range. If a Low pass filter is connected before the front end dongle ( low pass) the results with Raspberry Pi and SW OpenwebRX are quite good.
Aliexpress and Ebay servers are full of fake dongles of various quality. Carl Laufer, the author of the original describes here:
original description here:
the user manual is here:
The original RTL-SDR v.3 is around 30USD. You can really hear the difference against fake dongles.
For those interested without experience with SDR, this is an excellent thing, how to try SDR and you won't regret it.
73! Lada OK1UNL