OK DX RTTY Contest 2020
The deadline for the OK DX RTTY Contest is approaching, which will be 19.-20.12.2020. The principle is to get as many points as possible for RTTY connections, which are then multiplied for OK / OL stations by the number of DXCCs in each band and for other stations by the number of DXCCs and different OK / OL stations in each band. Everything is clearly explained by the conditions of the race:
1) Duration and date of duration: 00:00 UTC to 24:00 UTC on Saturday the third full weekend in December.
2) Type of operation: RTTY – BAUDOT.
3) Bands: 10, 15, 20, 40 a 80 meters according to IARU recommendations
4) category:
a) A1 – one operator – all bands, power over 100 W – SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH,
b) A2 – one operator – all bands, power to 100 W included – SINGLE-OP ALL LOW,
c) B – one operator – one band – SINGLE-OP 10M, SINGLE-AT 15M, SINGLE-OP 20M, SINGLE-OP 40M nebo SINGLE-OP 80M,
d) C – multiple operators – all bands - one transmitter (the station can have only one signal) – MULTI-OP,
e) D – audience – SWL.
Competitors in categories A1, A2 and C can only change the band once every five minutes.
5) Call: CQ OK TEST
6) Transmitted code: RST + CQ zone number
7) Scoring:
on the bands 10, 15 a 20 meters:
1 point for connecting with your own continent,
2 points for other connections;
on the bands 40 a 80 meters:
3 points for connecting with your own continent,
6 points for other connections.
8) Multipliers:
a) for stations outside the OK / OL countries of the DXCC and different OK stations on each band,
b) for OKCC country OL / OL stations on each band.
9) Final result:
a) for stations outside OK / OL: the sum of points from all bands x (the sum of DXCC countries from all bands + the sum of OK stations from all bands),
b) for OK / OL stations: sum of points from all bands x sum of DXCC countries from all bands.
c) Connection to stations, Not sending a diary will only be counted in those cases, if in the received logs the station is listed at least in 3 various diaries.
10) Order, diplomas and awards:
a) Participants are evaluated in two groups – OK / OL and other stations. In each group, the order will be compiled according to individual categories.
b) The diploma will be awarded to the winners in each category and the winners in each DXCC country, if it weighs at least 10% connection of the winner of the relevant category, however, it weighs minimally 30 connection.
c) Category A winners will receive a plaque.
d) Winners in the Czech Republic in category A will receive plaques, which were donated by OK1DIG and OK1DVM.
11) Diaries:
a) only in Cabrillo format must be sent no later than 7. the day after the race via the web interface at http://okrtty.crk.cz. In case of problems it can be sent to the address: “okrtty at crk.cz”.
b) Student diaries can be in ASCII text format and must contain a date, time, zone, the station code and the transmitted code and the station code. The summary must contain a tag, name and address of the participant and scoring.
c) The receipt of the diaries will be confirmed by e-mail.
12) Disqualification:
Violation of race rules, unsportsmanlike conduct or counting large numbers of unverifiable connections may be sufficient grounds for disqualification.
13) All decisions of the organizer are final.