6m expedition in April 2003
ZF – Cayman island: Jim K4BI will broadcast under the brand ZF2BI from the Cayman Islands between March 27 and April 8, mainly on 6m (as in the past), while KV will also be marginally addressed.
VK9 – even a small send to: Steve VK3OT (ex VE3SIX) provided information OPDX information, that it will broadcast under the VK9XI brand in the period April 7-21. The license was issued on the tenth of February, while it is the first time, which allows broadcasting on 6m from February 28 1980. S IC-706, TS-690SAT and FT-650 will broadcast from 160 po 6m. He is planning a slooper at 160m, on 80/40/30m Hidaka vertical, further Mosley tri-bander and 5 element M2 on 6m. Look for him around 50,115 MHz between 10.00 – 15.00 a 24.00 UTC. During the day, RX will be on 28,885 or 21,205 MHz. The pilot stations will be VK2QF and VK3AKK. QSL iba direct to address: Steve Gregory, P.O.Box 622, Hamilton – Victoria, 3300, AUSTRALIA. More information at http://members.datafast.net.au/electronics/vk9x.htm.
S0 – Western Sahara: Edges of YT1AD with the team (N6TQS, KD7RCD, EA5JJ plus several other EA ops.) is going to Western Sahara. QRV will be from 160 po 2m SSB, CW a RTTY od 16. until April 22. Three radios and two power stages will be available. QSL via YT1AD.
3D2 – Fiji: Tad JF6OJX will be active from Mana Island (OC-121) between 19. and April 24. It will mainly focus on Europe on the bands 80 – 30m, but he also wants to broadcast on 20 – 6m (maybe even 160m). QSL via JN1HOW. After the end of the expedition, you can find the log on http://www.NDXA.jp/pedi/3d2-2003/. Stock 7K1WLE (WLE@DXing.org) a Ted JJ1LIB (ted@DXing.org) they will convey messages to him daily.
C9 – Mozamique: Max IZ4DPV and Filippo IZ4ZHH provided the OPDX report, that in the period from April 20 to May 4 they will broadcast from Maputo Beira. They already have their licenses in their pockets, but the tags will be assigned to them only a few days before the start of the broadcast. So 100W, with wire verticals and TH7 want to cover the bands from 80 per 10m (and WARC) plus 6m SSB, CW and maybe RTTY. QSL direct by CBA and via bureau (not via email or eQSL).
9N – Nepal: Dov 4Z4DX will be in Nepal from April 22 to May 15 and will broadcast under the brand 9N7DX.
FO/M – Marquesas islands: Silvano I2YSB announced OPDX, that he and several other experienced DXers and contesters will be active from the Marquesas sometime in late April for two weeks. The exact date will be announced later. They form a team: Silvano I2YSB, Flaviano I2MOV, Marcello IK2DIA, Adriano IK2GNW, Joseph IK2WXV, Carlo IK1AOD a Andrea IK1PMR. They will work in all modes (SSB, CW, PSK/RTTY) on all KV bands plus 6m, while the beacon will be on 50,105 MHz. Their equipment consists of three complete KV stations with final stages and various antennas (to higher direction indicator bands). Learn more on the site http://digilander.libero.it/i2ysb/, where exhaustive information and online logs should be found.
Write an island (AS-017): Nobu JQ1EYN/6 will be active only 27. and April 28 from the island of Komaka SSB and CW on the bands from 80 po 6m. Website: http://www.chinenmarine.co.jp/local/komaka.htm. QSL via JARL or direct to home brand.