ISS PCSAT2 PSK31 transponder
According to available reports, it will operate on ISS PCSAT2 in conjunction with other modes such as phono, According to available reports, it will operate on ISS PCSAT2 in conjunction with other modes such as phono, BBS and SSTV as well as PSK31 transponder. However, because there are a lot of devices involved, this operation will be coordinated as follows, so that there is no mutual QRM with other modes.
However, it seems, that PSK31 will be in the foreground in the following period. This method of satellite operation eliminates the disadvantages of FM operation - mutual interference between stations and the use of disproportionate power.
PSK31 stations have an uplink to 29,402 MHz +/- 1 kHz a downlink na 435,275 MHz +/- doppler frequency shift in FM mode. So it is broadcast on a classic KV device switched to SSB and received on a 70cm FM device.
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