Joint amateur radio magazine in OM and OK

Installation of HF antenna before the contest
Installation of HF antenna before the contest

The publisher of the Slovak magazine Rádiožurnál and the publisher of the Czech magazine Radioamatér have agreed on publishing joint magazine for Slovak and Czech radio amateurs. The magazine will be published in Slovakia under the name On the radio and in the Czech Republic under the name Amateur Radio.

Its content and graphic processing will be provided by the publisher of Rádiožurnál (OM3EI) and will be based on the current Rádiožurnál. Slovak radio amateurs will be able to subscribe to the magazine, as before, be at a meeting in the High Tatras, or in the SZR premises, or via the Rádiožurnál website. Members of the Czech Radio Club will receive the magazine as part of ČRK member services, non-members of ČRK will be able to subscribe to the magazine via the Rádiožurnál website. Since the merging of magazines will reduce the costs of producing and printing the magazine, the price of the Rádiožurnál subscription will also drop in the year 2010.

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