VRK race 2010

CW pastiche RA1AOM
CW pastiche RA1AOM

date : Sunday 14. March 2010

Time : 06:00 – 09:00 UTC

Recommended band :
3520 – 3570 kHz pro CW,
3700 – 3770 kHz pro SSB

category : CW, SSB, MIX, SWL(mix)
The category is determined by each competitor on the first page of the diary !

Challenge to the CW race: CQ VRK
Invitation to the SSB race: VRK call
Competition code :
VRK members give : RS/RST+VRK+ member number for example : 59 VRK 023
the last stanice – RS/RST+ connection sequence number for example : 599 001

Scoring : connection with any station is valid 1x per race, one point is counted for each connection.

Audience : they must record the sent report and can count each station only 1x per race.

Amateur radio station with SDR spectroscope
Amateur radio station with SDR spectroscope

SWL scoring : listening station one point.

Multiples : connection with a VRK member, or its interception is one multiplier.

Result : total points for QSOs (wiretapping) x sum of multipliers.

Prices : always first 3 stations in individual categories will receive a diploma from the VRK plant. There will be a draw this year as well 10 race participants,who will receive a commemorative cup. ( regardless of the result in the race). Those who were drawn in previous years will no longer be drawn.

Competition diaries in text format with the calculated result, send to 31.3.2010.

The log must contain UTC time, badge, received and sent code, points counted, overall result and affidavit.

  • E – by email at : jcermak (at-sign) nbox.cz
  • by package to : OK2BIU @ OK2PAB.OK
  • Paper diaries: Jan Cermak, Mikulovská 7, 628 00 Due to little interest, the organizers moved the flea market from SOKOLOVNA to the locker rooms of the sports hall

The VRK board wishes the VRK plant success. The list and numbers of veterans are in the VRK section of the PR network.

Spring: http://599.cz/view.php?article number=2010022601

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