Evaluation of SNP races 2003
In SNP races 2003 attended 51 stations, 32 stations from Slovakia and 19 from Bohemia and Moravia. Others also appeared in the diaries 12 mark, 8 the competitors would have been quite successful, others had only a small number of connections. It is a great pity if the participants do not send the diary from the race, or just for control. This is already the case in amateur radio competitions, that one time my participation and the diary will help to win your prize, and the other time it may be the other way around. If you cannot send the diary within the given period due to vacation, illness or family difficulties, send it even a little late, we will accept any good excuse. HI.
Individual categories were occupied as follows: IF: A1 (QRO,CW) 8 stations OK: A1 4 stanice A2 (QRO,SSB) 8 stanic A2 8 stanic A3 (QRO,MIX) 9 stanic A3 4 station B1 (QRP,CW) 3 station B1 3 stanice B2 (QRP,SSB) 2 station - B3 (QRP,MIX) 2 station - The districts were represented as follows: IF - 20 districts : BAD BAE BAN BBY(3) BRE(2) DST KEA KEB KED KEZ LVC(2) MAR(2) NMV(3) THROUGH(3) PBY PRI RUZ TNC(2) ZIH ZVO(3) OK - 13 districts : CBU ME ELI(2) FJI FNA(2) GKR GTR GUH GVY GZS(2) WHERE(2) HPR(2) HVS(2)
It's a shame that there are so few participants in category B, although in this category it is possible to broadcast from densely populated flats without problems with neighbors. Ako organizers sme dufali, that category B will have the largest participation, when dozens of "brave adventurers" in the B/p category will take the stations to the "field" just like in our youth and experience the same adventure as OM6JO/p and OM6SA/p. Juro OM6JO was at Hradis above Horny Jasen. An early morning when he was hanging the antenna, a local owner was going to the mountain on a wagon with a horse, and when they saw in the morning fog the mysterious ritual "dance of stretching the antenna", the owner almost fell from the wagon out of surprise and the horse's legs broke. A sleepy fox also "fired" from the nearby forest like a diva. HI.
I, in turn, was at Podsip (Stankovany) above the confluence of Orava and Vah. A local bear came to help me stretch the antenna and I had to push him off the log when he wanted to keep my diary. HI. Finally we both ended up completely wet from the dew carefully moving away from each other in opposite directions. That's why I got to the guy and about 06.20.
Regarding the age of the participants, it's unbelievable that we also had in the race 86 fighter of the year. It is the "indestructible" Gejza Illes OM8CA from Kosice. The youngest was Robert OM1KW, 29 years, which went behind the club station OM3REU. None of the youth showed up on the battlefield.
The number of participants in individual categories was enough to award these first prizes: In category A1 – OM7AG, Ing. Anton Gombar from Zvolen, kategoria A2 – OM7AB, Vlado Krnac from Zvolen and OK2BMI, Milan Macek, from Unicov, lived, kategoria A3 – OM3PA, Peter Martiska from Partizan. Congratulations to our KV "gladiator". All participants will receive a SNP race diploma.
The price for vitaz category is 5 daily stay with half board at the Klacianska Magura cottage. The cottage is in the mountains of Mala Fatra nad Vrutkami in the insurgent region of Turiec. You have to choose your stay on Magura by the end of July 2005. If for some reason I cannot use up this stay, I will receive a "retirement" in vyske 1000 Sk. Details can be obtained from Viktor Chila, OM0AAJ Jano, in Klacany, which will connect you with the cabins. Viktor's phone number is 043 4224252.
This time, a lot of diaries have already arrived on the correct form. 14 the logs were error-free and did not need any adjustments. However, there were also several puzzles that took a lot of time. We have made a final decision, I will overtake from the future (2004) already diaries, which are difficult to quote, or diaries with a large number of incorrect or false data, we will consider them as control diaries or we will disqualify them with a heavy heart. You can order diary forms from the OM3KFV radio club, post. cheer up c. 3 , 03861 Screws.
As for the diaries, I would like to clarify some details based on my experience and the comments of competitors from the last two years. If you have a total of more than 40 connected, please use one page for each stage. JACK OM0AM, that most multiples are usually "new multiples", it will be easier, when in the "new nasobic" column you put only a mark instead of the whole nasobic 1. It will save you a lot of time and it will not have a big impact on our inspection.
In categories A3 and B3, they can connect to the same station at each stage 2 which can be linked with AirScout and operability, one for CW and one for SSB. However, the time difference between such connections must be at least 10 minutes. Every connection has value 5 points. However, the bandwidths are quoted only once at each stage, regardless of the transmission method (CW,SSB).
The most errors were when receiving multiples. Check whether the written multiples exist at all. After all, you have a list of Slovak and Czech PSCs and district abbreviations. SNP will send sample diaries to all race participants, front page as well as a sample of the written diary, so everyone can send a perfect diary and we will be able to breathe a sigh of relief more often : thanks Jozko, Janko, Peter atd. for a good bottom, si a good radio amateur and a good pretekar.
Diplomas of the SNP race are already on their way to you. We wish you success in the next race, SNP 2004, this time for the 60th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising, to enjoy this race, whether you go "by the fireplace" or together with the bears somewhere in the mountains.
Alexander Korda OM6SA
Radio club Vrutky OM3KFV