Results of the 8th stage of GLP 2015

SLP8 results 2015, 24.-25.October 2015

NameSWL IDScore

1 Konstantin Vakhonin RU4SS 47978
2 Henk Mulder PA1555 31047
3 Sick Veenstra NL6904 30551
4 Jozef Marcincak OM3-0001 26220
5 Kees Schout NL294 17778
6 Marc Stinkens ONL4638 16731
7 Helmut Grund DE2HUG 13300
8 Alex Gorbunov US-Q-73 9594
9 Igor Krinetsky USF-007 7410
10 Dusan Hanak OK2-9329 5940
11 Aleksandr Boyko US-Q-2115 5664
12 Johan Heus NL9723 5166
13 Mat Spek PD0RIT 1053
14 Eugene Syromytnikov UR3QTN 16

Final results of GLP 2015

RU4SS 22154 0 47850 8127 7772 46512 0 47978 180393
OM3-0001 18100 11607 34320 ” 0 “ 6608 15400 0 26220 112255
PA1555 0 16185 18421 0 7540 19998 11790 31047 104981
NL6904 0 11537 27720 8211 0 0 6566 30551 84585
ONL4638 ” 0 “ 6237 6466 4959 ” 0 “ 6882 4505 16731 45780
DE2HUG 4067 2584 5886 ” 0 “ ” 0 “ 10960 1850 13300 38647
NL9723 4212 4590 11400 4806 ” 0 “ 5115 ” 0 “ 5166 35289
NL294 ” 0 “ 3485 5724 2013 2331 0 2268 17776 33597
US-Q-73 2613 0 4848 1540 0 0 925 9594 19512
US-Q-2115 432 ” 0 “ 3195 903 1260 6930 0 5664 18384
9A4KJ 5830 3108 6832 0 2170 0 0 0 17940
USF-007 882 448 3652 2407 1008 0 0 7410 15807
UR3QTN 0 0 7210 3910 684 0 2360 16 14180
OK2-9329 2214 0 5665 0 0 0 0 5940 13819
NL13662 836 1560 9856 0 486 0 192 0 12930
NL10704 0 3496 0 0 0 0 0 0 3496
F70043 0 0 1350 616 1066 0 0 0 3032
EA3248URE 1656 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1656
PD0RIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1053 1053
9ARS029 726 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 726

” 0 ” means: vymazané pri finálnej kalkulácii výsledky (počíta sa 6 najlepších etáp)

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