OM HAM of the Year 2007
In year 2007 no Slovak amateur radio brand resonated, therefore it was our decision, who should become HAM a year harder, whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs.
whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs, whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs, OM6KW (whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs, whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs). whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs. Rado is also an excellent KV/VHF contestman, whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs, whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs.
whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs 2007 Grad.. Ing. whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs, OM6KW. whereas fortunately there are many agile amateurs.