CQ iDX diplom
Prebieha príprava na pilotný Diplom iDX, pre linkovacie systémy. Podmienka je ako pri ozajstnom DX-ingu, čo sa týka prítomnosti a pravidiel krajín, teritoriálnych vôd, alebo vzdušného priestoru.
Ďalšou podmienkou je, že minimálne jedna strana musí byť na rádiu, teda neplatí spojenie PC na PC.
Systémy môžu byt: Echolink, D-Star, IRLP, eQSO. Potvrdzuje sa Typ systému a podmienky okolo rádia(í) zúčastnených.
Nárok na diplom začína za 25, 50, 100 spojení atd.
Poslucháči sa môžu tiež uchádzať o diplom, pretože spojenia sa vlastne aspoň na jednej strane musia vysielať éterom, takže QSO je poslucháčom dostupné. Poslucháč SWL potvrdzuje oboch účastníkov spojenia (obe stanice – volačky).
Pilotný program na podporu a revitalizáciu DX-ingu začína minútu po polnoci v Januári 2006. Očakáva sa tranformácia zúčastnených amatérov na klasický KV DX-ing v neskoršej dobe. Zdôrazňuje sa originálny zmysel DX-ingu bez ohľadu na použité prenosové média.
2. The basic award is issued for confirmed VoIP contacts with amateurs in at least 25 countries. Endorsement stickers are issued for 50, 75, and 100 confirmed countries. All contacts must have been made after 0000 UTC, January 1, 2006.
3. All contacts must be two-way (SWLs must monitor two-way contacts). Confirmations are required. For the purposes of this award only, acceptable confirmations include traditional QSL cards, electronic/online confirmations from sources approved by CQ (see CQ website for details), and verifiable e-mails. All confirmations must contain the callsigns of both stations; the name, mailing address, and location of the sending station (if different from the mailing address at the time of contact); and details of the contact, including date, time, mode, and frequency band used by the sending station sender’s valid e-mail address and must be dated within 60 days of the contact for which credit is claimed. CQ reserves the right to spot-check confirmations.
4. Applications should be submitted on the official CQ iDX Award application (form 2006A). Reasonable facsimiles or computer printouts are also acceptable. Contacts should be listed in alphabetical order by callsign prefix. Listings must include the frequency band (or internet) used by each station, as well as the VoIP linking system used. Confirmations must be verified by one of the authorized check points for the CQ DX Awards, or must be included with the application. Return postage must be included.
5. An SASE must be enclosed with all endorsement applications. Stations outside the United States must include an SAE with two IRCs for airmail return
6. Any altered or forged confirmations will result in permanent disqualification of the applicant.
7. Fair play and good sportsmanship in operating are required for all amateurs working toward CQ DX Awards. Repeated use of poor ethics will result in disqualification of the applicant.
8. A fee of $6.00 is required for CQ subscribers applying for a CQ iDX Award certificate. The latest CQ mailing label must be attached for the subscriber discount. For non-subscribers the certificate fee is $12.00. Endorsement stickers are $1.00 each for all applicants. IRCs (International Reply Coupons) are acceptable in lieu of check or cash.
9. All contacts must be with landbased or shipboard amateur stations. Contacts with aircraft are not acceptable. Contacts from international waters are not acceptable. Shipboard stations must be in the territorial waters of a country, no more than 12 miles (19 kilometers) from shore, operating in accordance with that country’s laws and regulations, and the confirmation must indicate the country from whose waters the shipboard station is operating. The CQ DX Award countries list or ARRL DXCC Countries List determine what entities are considered separate countries. In the event of differences between the lists, the CQ DX Award countries list will govern.
10. In the event of any disputes or disagreements, decisions of the CQ DX Awards Manager shall be final.
11. All checks must be made payable to B. F. Williams. Applications should be sent to Billy Williams, N4UF, P.O. Box 9673, Jacksonville, Florida 32208- 0673. Do not send applications to CQ.
Informácie zaslal Martin OM8ARK. TNX!
Zdroj: http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/IDX%20Award%20June.pdf