3B7M Saint Brandon
Contest club members OM7M and CDXP announce, that from 24. February to 5. March 2023 an expedition will take place at 55. of the most desirable DXCC in the world to Saint Brandon 3B7M. They will be in operation during the 24-hour operation 4 station. They will work CW, SSB, RTTY, as well as FT8. Special attention will be paid to stations from North America on higher bands, as well as FT8 operation, as it has not yet been activated from the island.
Bandplan 3B7M
Members of the 3B7M team
The team is led by Ľubo OM5ZW (CW, SSB, RTTY, previous T2GC activity, Yj0GC, 5H4WZ, TK, Upon reaching). David OK6DJ, also CW, SSB, The RTTY operator has extensive dispatch experience from 5V7P, D66D, Z21MG, XT26DJ, SV5, W6, FOR, I4, T7, W8, SV8, TA4, OE2, IF, 4O6DJ, DL, KH7, Z66D, 5T5OK, TO6OK, S9OK, 5K0K, TN8K. Love OM3PC also covers the CW, SSB, RTTY (previous activity from 3B8, E44, SV9, SV5, Upon reaching, 4U1ITU,TK, Z6). Joe OM4MW participated in the 5H4WZ expedition and his domain will be CW and RTTY. Brown preliminary results has experience from D66D expeditions, Z66D, TO6, S9OK, 5K0K, TN8K, 5T5OK and will provide SSB and RTTY operation. Sylvia z OM3KAP will be devoted to photo documentation and social networking plus SSB and RTTY operation. Martin completes the team OM4MM na SSB a RTTY.
QSL ticket 3B7M
Via OK6DJ, David Beran |, Dolni Kamenice 55, 34562 Holysov, Czech Republic, by email to qso@email.cz
Used, Please, excellent Clublog OQRS upon request your direct or Bureau QSL for all DXpeditions. Please, DO NOT send cards through Bureau or mail. Use OQRS instead! It's much easier, faster and cheaper.
OQRS – direct QSOs to LOTW sent weekly
DIRECT – for 8 QSO (2 cards) is accepted as a minimum 5 USD, other cards + 2 USD.
QSO do LOTW , Eqsl.cc sent after six months
No grades are accepted
Lotw, Eqsl.cc – all connections sent after six months
OQRTS through bureau sent after nine months
Paper QSL through the bureau after 18 months
You can support the expedition by sending a contribution, see information on http://3b7m.com/?page_id=1635