CQ World Wide 160m Contest 2024 CW
The goal of the CQ World Wide 160m Contest for radio amateurs from all over the world is to establish as many connections as possible with the largest number of radio amateurs in the United States., Canadian provinces and countries as possible in the 160m zone. The CW part takes place 26.January 22 UT to January 28 22 UT 2024. The diary must be sent within five days of the end of the race.
I. Historical map of Europe 2024 CW
For amateurs around the world, contact other amateurs in as many U.S. states as possible, Canadian provinces and countries using the band 160 meters.

1 810–2 000 kHz in the ITU region 1. 1 800–2 000 kHz in ITU regions 2 a 3. All participants are invited, to use the available bandwidth while respecting the frequency and performance limits for their own country. Any violation of the use of the ITU band may result in disqualification.
For category only Single Operator Assisted: it is allowed to use one remote receiver, which is located in 100 kilometers from the main location of the transmitter, except for the receiver in place of the transmitter. WebSDR are accepted, but must be within the limit 100 kilometers. The rule is designed that way, to suit new technologies and for that, who have high levels of noise and interference at the broadcasting site. Anyone, who finds out, that using the remote receiver exceeds the limit, will be disqualified.
For all categories: The main workplace is defined as all transmitters, the receivers and antennas must be located on the same plot. If the land is not continuous, all equipment must be within range 1500 meters. All antennas must be connected to the main station by power supplies. This rule applies to all participants.
Only ONE CQ operating frequency is allowed for each station. Flip Flopping in between 2 frequencies in the same time period (therefore uses 2 frequency) is unsportsmanlike and will result in disqualification.
The use of so-called "chat rooms" via the Internet or similar means of communication between stations or operators during the competition period is strictly prohibited..
Do not secure or confirm connections other than by using bandwidth 160 meters and the same regime, as used in the competition. Any such use may result in disqualification at the discretion of the Committee. The use of self-observation is not allowed in any category.
Remote station for UNASSISTED categories is allowed under the following conditions:
- The use of any receiver located outside the main page is strictly prohibited.
- Using a separate receiver in place of the remote control is prohibited.
- Any receiver connected via the Internet or RF, which is not physically located on the main page, is strictly forbidden.
- If the remote station is located in another DXCC entity, all local regulations must be observed.
Operating hours: Historical map of Europe 48 hours and starts at 2200Z. Station they can only work with one operator 30 With 48 hours. Station they can work with multiple operators 40 hours. Inactivity time must be kept to a minimum for all categories 30 minutes.
(A) One operator: One person performs all operational, logging and spotting functions. The maximum operating time is 30 hours. QSO search assistance is NOT allowed * (see definition below). Only one transmitted signal is allowed at a time. Maximum power is total power 1 500 W.
(B) One operator / Low performance: As well as (A), except, that the output power must not exceed 100 watts. Stations in this category compete only with other low-energy stations.
(C) QRP: As well as (A) with the exception of, that the output power must not exceed 5 watts. Stations in this category compete only with other QRP stations. Note: All QRP stations can use QSOs to seek help.
(D) One operator / high performance: As well as (A) with these exceptions: The use of QSOs in seeking help is permitted. It is allowed to use one and only one remote receiver to 100 kilometers from the transmitter site.
(E) One operator / low power: As well as (D) with the following exceptions: Output power must not exceed 100 watts.
(F) Multi-operator: HIGH PERFORMANCE ONLY. All rules apply as in Single Op Assisted (except remote receivers – They are NOT allowed); however, more than one operator is involved in the operation (persons). The maximum operating time is 40 hours. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at a time. Maximum power is total power 1 500 W or output power allowed in your country, according to, which one is lower.
* QSO search help: it is the use of any technology or other source that provides the operator with a call sign or signal multiplier identification. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of a CW decoder, DX clustra, DX spotting websites (e.g.. DX Summit), local or remote call sign and frequency decoding technology (e.g.. CW Skimmer or Reverse Beacon Network), or operating arrangements for other individuals.

RS (T) and the state for the USA, province for Canada and CQ Zone for DX. Note: Zones are position indicators only and do not count for multipliers.
USA: (48 neighboring countries); Columbia District (DC) (1)
Canadian provinces: (14) VO1, VO2, NB, NS, PEI (VY2), VE2, VE3, VE4, VE5, VE6, VE7, VE8 (NWT), VY1 (YUK), VY0. Note VO1 and VO2 are separate due to tradition.
DXCC plus WAE countries: WAE: GM / Shetlandy (Shetland Islands), IG9 / IH9 (African Italy – the islands of Lampedusa and Pantelleria), IT, JW (Bear Island), TA1 (European Turkey), 4U1VIC (Vienna International Center), Z6 (Kosovo).
Contacts with stations in your own country: 2 body.
Contacts with other countries on the same continent: 5 points.
Contacts with other continents: 10 points
Maritime mobile contacts have 5 points. There is no multiplier value for maritime mobile contact.

All stations – the final score is the result of the total number of QSO points multiplied by the sum of all multipliers(States, province VE, DX countries).
Diplomas will be awarded to all entrants. They are available for download and are located here: <https://cq160.com/scores.htm>
Trophies will be awarded to the best shooters in many categories. Trophies and donors for all categories can be found here: https://cq160.com/plaques.htm>
If you are interested in sponsoring a plaque, contact us at: <questions@CQ160.com>.
Any club can enter the club competition, who submits at least three dailies. The name of the club must be clearly stated in the club competition on the summary sheet or summary part of the Cabrillo diary. Make sure, that all participants in your club use the same club name at Cabrillo (written the same way). You can find most of the club names here: <https://cq160.com/clubnames.htm>
Failure to do so may result, that your score will not be credited to your club.

The deadline for sending logs is 5 days after the end of the competition.
For CW it's 2200z 4. February 2022.
For SSB it is 2200z 4. March 2022.
Cabrillo logo required. Please subscribe to the CQ WW competition logs 160 Meter Contest using a web upload tool, located at: https://cq160.com/logcheck/
Paper / disk logs: Paper logs or formats other than Cabrillo are no longer accepted for evaluation.
In case of difficulties, which require more time to send the log, send email to <director@CQ160.com>. We will make every effort, to accommodate you, if you have a valid reason for the delay.
Cabrillo formatted protocols are accepted by the protocol processing robot. If your log was sent correctly, the robot responds with an acknowledgment. If there is a problem with your protocol, the robot will send you an error message with suggestions, how to fix protocol. Please read this email carefully. Most log submission issues are minor and can be fixed with a single click. Enter your diary so many times, as many times as necessary. The last log sent will be the version, which counts for your official record. You can check the status of your log on our Inbox Logs tab. Additional questions can be sent to <questions@cq160.com>.

The logs will be cross-checked and the deductions will be made at the evaluator's discretion for contacts, which will be considered incorrect or disproportionate. Bad connections will be removed and the deduction will be applied in the next two connections in the form of a point deduction. No punishment should be imposed for unique connections, unless it is considered disproportionate. The diary may be disqualified and the competitor disqualified for violating the regulations on amateur radio broadcasting, unsportsmanlike conduct or on the basis of an excessive number of unverified contacts.
Outputs from cross-checking diaries, which show the final score calculations, will be available to all participants once the results have been published. Decisions of the CQ WW Competition Committee 160 are final.
By sending the CQ competition diary 160 Meter Contest and taking into account the efforts of the CQ WW competition committee 160 to examine and evaluate this diary, the participant unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to this, that: 1) has read and understood the rules of the competition and undertakes to be bound by them, 2) carried out the operation in accordance with all rules and regulations, relating to amateur broadcasting according to the licensing conditions of the country concerned, 3) agreed, that the journal entry may be made available to the public, a 4) agreed, that the disqualification and other decisions of the committee are formal and final. If the participant is not willing or unable to agree to all of the above, the participant should not submit the application or application only as a control record.
Spring: Historical map of Europehttps://www.cq160.com/rules.htm