CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest 2022
The goal of the CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest for radio amateurs around the world is to establish as many connections as possible with other radio amateurs in as many CQ zones as possible., krajín a W/VE QTH. Every year, more than 15,000 radio amateurs from all over the world take part in the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest. Of them more than 3300 sends his diary for evaluation. The CQ WW RTTY DX Contest will be held on September 24-25 2022 with the beginning 0000 GMT on Saturday to Sunday 2359 GMT.

The conditions of these races are very similar to their SSB and CW version, but the difference is, that:
- does not compete in the band 1,8 MHz
- in the Multi-Single category is possible 8 band changes in one hour, as opposed to the 10-minute rule
- connections with another country are worldwide (not just in North America) rated 2 bodmi
- the third multiplier is connections to US / VE stations
The current conditions of the CQ WW TTY Contest can be found at https://cqwwrtty.com/rules.htm