European HF Championship 2021
The goal of the European HF Championship is, for European amateurs to contact as many other European amateurs as possible and compete for the title of "European HF Champion". Only contacts count from EU to EU, considering the list of CQWW countries.
The date of the race is the first Saturday of August every year, from 12:00 UTC do 23:59 UTC (7. augusta 2021). It competes in bands 160 – 10m (mimo WARC) and that in a single category, single operator all bands.
Category | Cabrillo category |
CW only – High Power | SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH CW |
CW only – Low Power | SINGLE-OP ALL LOW CW |
SSB only – High Power | SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH SSB |
SSB only – Low Power | SINGLE-OP ALL LOW SSB |
High Power Categories: the total output power of the transmitter must not exceed 1500 W
Low Power Categories: the total output power of the transmitter must not exceed 100 W
The exchanged code is composed of RS(T) + two numbers. That is the year the operator's amateur radio license was first issued regardless, whether it uses a given brand or another.
Multipliers are different two-digit numbers, meaning the last two digits of the year of the operator's first ever official amateur radio license. The multiplier is calculated only once per band, regardless of mode.
Each valid contact completed counts every (1) point regardless of mod. The same station can be processed once for each band and mode. The final score is the sum of the QSO points from all bands multiplied by the sum of the multipliers from all bands.
a) In categories with one mode (iba CW, cycling and running) can be done a maximum of ten (10) band changes at any hour (00 to 59 minutes)
b) In the mix mode categories (CW/SSB) can be done a maximum of ten (10) bands and modes at any hour of the hour (00 to 59 minutes. For example, five (5) bands plus five (5) change mode, where the band together with the mode change is counted as one (1) change.
c) Change band or mode after 10. band change / there will be fashion penalized QSO points and a multi-connection deduction for those QSOs at a particular hour.
All sent diaries in Cabrillo format must be uploaded from the Log Submission page at the latest 48 hours after the competition (Monday 23.59 UTC).
Full text of the European HF Championship competition conditions