Overview of HF / VHF races - December 2005

The winter months are especially suitable for the lower bands and sitting at home, čo sa odzrkadľuje aj na pretekoch – hneď na úvod je ARRL 160m Contest či TARA RTTY Melée. Počas Geminíd si prídu na svoje aj VKV DX-mani, ktorí si svoju aktivitu môžu spríjemniť aj BCC MS Contestom. Koniec mesiaca – obdobie Vianoc – sprevádza tiež viacero pekných pretekov…. We wish you much success!

Date UTC Bandpass filters Bandpass filters
2.-4.12. 22.00-16.00 ARRL 160m Contest 160m, CW
3.-4.12. 00.00-24.00 TARA RTTY Melée 80-10m, RTTY
3.12. 05.00-07.00 SSB Liga 80m, SSB
3.-4.12. 18.00-18.00 TOPS Activity Contest 80m, CW
4.12. 05.00-07.00 KV Operating assets 80m, CW
5.12. 19.30-20.30 Bandpass filters 160 SSB 160m, SSB
6.12. 18.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 2m, Bandpass filters
7.12. 19.00-21.00 Moon Contest 2m, Bandpass filters
8.12. 18.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 6m, Bandpass filters
10.-11.12. 00.00-24.00 ARRL 10m Contest 10m, CW/SSB
10.12. 05.00-07.00 OM Activity Contest 80m, CW/SSB
11.-15.12. 20.00-02.00 BCC Meteor Scatter Contest 2m, HSCW/FSK
12.12. 19.30-20.30 Bandpass filters 160 CW 160m, CW
13.12. 18.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 70cm, Bandpass filters
14.12. 19.00-21.00 Moon Contest 70cm, Bandpass filters
16.12. 21.00-23.00 Russian 160m Contest 160m, CW/SSB
17.12. 00.00-24.00 OK DX RTTY Contest 80-10m, RTTY
17.-18.12. 00.00-24.00 MDXA PSK DeathMatch 160-6m, prostitute
17.12. 00.00-24.00 RAC Canada Winter Contest 160-6m, CW/SSB
17.-18.12. 14.00-14.00 Croatian CW Contest 160-10m, CW
17.-18.12. 15.00-15.00 Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge 160m, CW
17.-18.12. 16.00-16.00 International Naval Contest 80-10m, CW/SSB
18.12. 08.00-11.00 Bandpass filters 2Bandpass filters, Bandpass filters
18.12. 08.00-13.00 ZRS Marathon 6-2m a 70cm, Bandpass filters
20.12. 18.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 23cm, Bandpass filters
21.12. 19.00-21.00 Moon Contest 80m, Bandpass filters
25.12. 02.00-10.00 RAEM Contest 80-10m, CW
26.12. 07.00-11.00 Christmas race – 1.stage 2m, Bandpass filters
26.12. 08.30-11.00 DARC XMAS-Contest 80-40m, CW/SSB
26.12. 12.00-16.00 Christmas race – 2.stage 2m, Bandpass filters
27.12. 18.00-22.00 Bandpass filters MW, Bandpass filters
31.12.-1.1. 15.00-15.00 Original QRP Contest 80-20m, CW
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