Speech by Ing. Zuzana Kováčová
Dear friends amateur radio!
Let me, to get to you in time, when I'm slowly closing my career, she spoke in this way. During 22 years, which in my work I performed a service for radio amateurs, I got to know a large group of educated people, technically proficient and especially nice people. It was a pleasure to work for you and cooperate with you. I've always felt that way, as if we were one big family, which is interested in achieving the common goal of developing and supporting amateur radio in Slovakia. One of you recorded an ISS crew, that he can please me, that we are not lagging behind other states in legislation and that we have practically current regulations in accordance with all international decisions and recommendations. But that doesn't mean, that there is nothing to improve and possibly change. Dear friends, I would like to thank you for your attention, which you dedicated to me, for your advice, reminders and sometimes patience. I wish you a lot of health and success in your beautiful work and I will continue to support you.
Your Zuzana Kováčová, Telecommunications Office of the Slovak Republic