Slovak-Czech expedition to Suriname PZ5Z
In days 21.-30.10 a Slovak-Czech expedition to Suriname will take place. 6 operatorov (Rice OM2TW / OK8WW, Jozef OM5AW, Stevo OM5AA, David OK1RK, Vlada OK1NY and Jirka OK1RI) I will work under the brand PZ5Z.
They will also participate in the CQWW SSB contest and therefore the team PZ5Z announces a contest for all OM and OK. All stations that connect with station PZ5Z during the CQWW SSB contest at least 3 connections will be included in the drawing from which they will be drawn 10 stations, which I will receive in addition to the QSL note also a souvenir from this South American country. Prizes will be drawn at a radio amateur meeting in the High Tatras 8.11.2008. Support the first Slovak-Czech expedition to Suriname!