CQ WW Contest 2024
The CQ World Wide DX Contest is coming up, the biggest radio amateur competition in the world. The last weekend of October (SSB) a november (CW) ether comes to life more than 35 000 participants in order to establish as many connections as possible with as many different DXCC entities and CQ zones as possible.
CQWW Contest 2024

26. – 27. October
23. – 24. November
00:00:00 UTC on Saturday End: 23:59:59 UTC on Sunday
I. Target:
For amateurs around the world, establish as many connections as possible in as many CQ zones and countries as possible.
only six bands: 1,8, 3,5, 7, 14, 21 a 28 MHz. Adherence to the established frequency plans of the bands is strictly required.

SSB: RS plus CQ zone (for example 59 05). CW: RST plus can be CQ (e.g. 599 05).
A. Result: The final result is calculated as a multiple of the total number of points per QSO times the sum of zones and countries. Example: 1000 points for QSO * (30 zones + 70 countries) = 100 000 (final score).
B. Body za QSO: Only one valid connection on each band can be established with each station. The connection points are derived according to the position of the opposite station:
1. There are three connections between stations on different continents (3) body.
2. For connections between stations on the same continent, but in different countries one counts (1) that. Exception: There are two connections between stations in different countries on the North American continent (2) body.
3. Connections between stations in the same country have zero (0) value, but applies as a zone or country multiplier.
C. Multipliers: There are two types of multipliers:
1. Zone: each CQ zone on each band separately applies as one multiplier. The rules of CQ Worked All Zones apply to determine the correct zone.
2. Earth: each individual country in each band separately applies as one multiplier. DXCC countries are counted as individual countries, special countries according to the WAE plus IG9 diploma / IH9. Stations / MM are only counted as CQ zone multipliers.

A. Category one operator (Single Operator): One person (operator) performs all operational activities, including keeping a diary. There are no restrictions on operating times or band changes. Only one broadcast signal is allowed at a time.
1. Single Operator: assistance of any kind is prohibited (viz VIII.2).
A. High Power (All band or Single band - all bands or one band): The total output power must not exceed 1500 watts.
B. Low Power (All band nebo Single band): The total output power must not exceed 100 watts.
C. QRP (All band nebo Single band): The total output power must not exceed 5 watts.
2. Single Operator Assisted: Competitors in this category can use the help (viz VIII.2).
A. High Power Assisted (All band nebo Single band): The total output power must not exceed 1500 watts.
B. Low Power Assisted (All band nebo Single band): The total output power must not exceed 100 watts.
C. QRP Assisted (All band nebo Single band): The total output power must not exceed 5 watts.
B. Single Operator kategorie Overlay: Any participant in the main category one operator, which meets the requirements, may also participate in one of the categories listed below by adding the appropriate category (OVERLAY) in the header of the Cabrillo diary file. The results of the OVERLAY categories will be listed separately in the result list – in the category of all bands and divided by performance (including QRP).
1. Classic Operator (Overlay CLASSIC): Competitors may use only one radio, without help, and can work up to 24 of total 48 hours
- breaks must be at least 60 minutes, during which no connection was established. If the diary contains more than 24 hours of operation, only the result of the first ones is counted for the OVERLAY category 24 hours. Reception during simultaneous transmission is prohibited. A category with one assisted operator is not allowed for this category.
2. Rookie (Overlay ROOKIE): The operator was licensed as an amateur radio operator no earlier than three years ago (3) years before the date of the competition. Enter the date of issue of the first license in the SOAPBOX line. Previous winners in this category can no longer win the plaque for the winners.
3. Youth (YOUTH): The age of the operator is at most 25 let, the year of birth must be given in the SOAPBOX box.
C. Multi-Operator - multiple operators – (all-band operation only): Any number of operators is allowed. Help (ASSISTED) is allowed when establishing a connection. Only one transmission signal can be used at a time on one band.
1. One transmitter (MULTI-SINGLE): only one transmitted signal is allowed on one band in each 10-minute interval - 10-minute rule – (main (run) station / signal). Exception: every – and only one – the second transmitted signal (multiplier station / signal) can be used at any 10-minute interval, is it – and only if, – that it is in a different band from the band of the main transmitter (run) and the established connection is a new multiplier. The master and multiplier transmitters follow independent 10-minute rules. Ten-minute intervals begin with the first QSO in that band. It must be listed in the log for each connection, which station / signal (main or multiplier) connection established. Multiplier station / signal must not establish a connection by calling CQ. Please make sure, that you have read the FAQ section at <cqww.com/rules_faq.htm>.
A. High Power: The total output power must never exceed 1500 W on any band.
B. Low Power: The total output power must never exceed 100 watts on any band.
2. Two transmitters (MULTI-TWO): a maximum of two transmission signals on two different bands are allowed (can be used at any time). It must be listed in the log for each connection, which station (1,2) connection established. Each station / the signal can perform at most 8 band changes in any one full hour begin with the first QSO in that band. It must be listed in the log for each connection, which station / signal (main or multiplier) connection established. Multiplier station / signal must not establish a connection by calling CQ. Please make sure, that you have read the FAQ section at <cqww.com/rules_faq.htm>. (00 to 59 minutes). The total output power must not exceed at any time 1500 W on no band.
3. Multiple transmitters (MULTI-MULTI): Six competition zones can be activated simultaneously. Only one transmission signal is allowed on each band at a time. The total output power must not exceed at any time 1500 W on no band.
D. Explorer: The Explorer category is introduced to allow stations with an innovative strategy to participate, new technologies, etc.. See more <cqww.com/explorer.htm>.
E. Checklog: The log is sent for inspection only. The station will not be listed in the results list and its diary will not be published.

A single-band diary will only be eligible for a diploma (plaque) for one band. A log containing more than one band will be considered a log for all bands, unless marked as a diary for a single band category.
A. Diplomas: Electronic diplomas will be available for download for everyone, who sends the diary.
B. Plaques: Plaques are awarded for top performance in several categories. The current list of plaques and their sponsors is at <cqww.com/plaques.htm>. Only one plaque will be awarded to each station. Station, which won the plaque, will not be taken into account for the award of the prize to the winner of the sub-area; the plaque will be awarded to another participant in the field.
VII. Club competition:
The club score is the total summary score from the diaries sent by its members. There are two separate categories of competition clubs.
A. USA Kluby: Participation is limited to club members, who reside in the district 250 miles from the center of the club area.
B. DX Clubs: Participation is limited to club members, who reside in one of the DXCC countries, where the club is located, or within a circle of radius 400 km from the center of the club.
C. General rules of the club:
1. National organizations (e.g. JARL, REF or DARC) are not eligible for a club competition.
2. Stations with one operator can only count to one club. The scores of stations with more operators can be credited to more clubs as a percentage of the number of club members participating in the operation of the station. The full name of the club must be stated in the station diary (and club assignments, if it is multi-op).
3. At least four diaries must be accepted, that the club is listed in the results. Checklog logs do not count for club scores.
4. The word "residence" is defined as permanent, permanent residence of the person for legal purposes.

1. Station location: Area, in which all transmitters are located, receivers, amplifiers and antennas. All transmitters and receivers must be in one circle of diameter 500 meters. Antennas must be physically connected by high-frequency transmission lines to transmitters and receivers.
2. Assistance in establishing a QSO (Assisted): Use of any technology or other source, which provides a call sign or multiplier identification of the operator's received signal. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of a CW decoder, DX cluster, DX website (e.g. DX summit), local or remote call sign and frequency decoding technologies (e.g. CW Skimmer nebo Reverse Beacon
Network) or assistance to others.

1. Contestants must work within the limits of their chosen category in carrying out any activity, which could affect their submitted score.
2. A different call sign must be used for each diary. Only the participant's call sign can be used to evaluate the participant's result.
3. Do not exceed the total output power limit of the selected category in any band. The total output power in any band is measured at the output of the active amplifier.
4. Entering your own brand (self-spotting) or requesting a tag to enter the cluster is disabled.
5. The use of remote control is allowed, if the physical location of all transmitters, receivers and antennas is in one place. The remote station must comply with all station restrictions, operator license and category. The call sign used must be issued or authorized by the regulatory body according to the location of the station.
6. Remote off-station receivers are not allowed.
7. Only one signal is allowed on one band at a time. If two or more transmitters are used in the same band, such hardware equipment must be used, to avoid more than one signal at a time. CQ alternation on two or more frequencies in the band is not allowed.
8. All connection requests, answers to calls and the recording of call signs and the exchange of competition codes must be carried out during the competition using the mode and frequencies of the competition (selected competition categories).
9. Correction of recorded call signs and exchanges after the competition using any database, recordings, emails or other methods are not allowed.
10. The recorded call signs must be the same, like you, exchanged by participants during the QSO.
11. For stations in the ITU region 1: for 40m transmission frequency band above 7200 kHz during SSB race are not allowed.
12. For stations in the ITU region 1: broadcast below 1810 kHz is not allowed during the race.

Electronic sending of the diary is required for all participants in the race, who use a computer to record or prepare a diary.
1. The log must contain the following information for each connection: correct date and time in UTC, the frequency used (or band), the call sign of the station to which the connection was established, sent competition code and received competition code. Daily, which will not contain the required data, will be taken only for checking - CHECKLOG. Connections should be logged in an instant, when they are completed. Station, competing for world and continental awards, it must also log the actual frequency for each connection.
2. Station, which compete in the category of one zone are obliged to include in the diary all connections established during the competition period and on other zones (thus a complete diary of all bands). Only connections established in the band specified in the Cabrillo header or summary will be evaluated. Logs with connections in only one band will be evaluated in the single band category.
3. The standard journal format is a CABRILLO file. For detailed instructions on filling in the header of the CABRILLO file, see <cqww.com/cabrillo.htm>. If the competition category is not listed correctly in the Cabrillo header, there may be a rating in the wrong category or a journal taken just for review – Checklog. Note: US stations must indicate the location of the station in
CABRILLO header (e.g. LOCALITY: OH).
4. The only way to send a journal is to upload the journal to the web (WEB upload) . Web log upload is available at < cqww.com/logcheck/ >.
5. Instructions for electronic diaries in a format other than Cabrillo: If you are unable to send the diary in Cabrillo format, contact the competition director for assistance in providing another format.
6. Acknowledgment of receipt of the diary: The receipt of the diary will be confirmed by e-mail. A list of accepted diaries can be found at <cqww.com>.
7. Download diary from evaluation: The contestant may withdraw the diary from the evaluation for any reason 30 days after the deadline for sending the diary. Contact the competition director for further instructions.

1. All logs must be sent by five (5) days after the end of the competition: at the latest 2359 UTC on November 1 2024 for SSB part a 2359 UTC 29. November 2024 for the CW part of the race. Resubmitting the journal after the deadline will cause, that the log will be considered late.
2. An extension of the deadline for sending the diary can be requested by e-mail to <cqww.com/contact/ > . The request must state the legitimate reason and must be accepted before the deadline for dispatch. Extension of the deadline for sending the diary is granted only after confirmation by the competition director.
3. Diaries sent after the deadline or a postmark after the deadline may be listed in the results, but are not eligible for diplomas and plaques.

The CQ WW DX Competition Committee is responsible for controlling and deciding on competitions. Participants are expected, that they will follow the rules and the best amateur radio methods. Violation of the competition rules or unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the committee.
A. Unsportsmanlike conduct: Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include, but they are not limited to:
1. Arranging or confirming a connection during or after the competition by any non-amateur radio means, such as telephones, internet, instant messaging, chat programs, VoIP, e-mail, social media or websites.
2. Broadcasting of a subscriber on frequencies outside the frequency given by the subscriber's license.
3. Change the time in the diary in order to comply with the rules for changing the zone or break time.
4. Counting an excessive number of unverifiable connections or multipliers.
5. By transmitting with an excessive bandwidth signal (e.g. splitry, click) harmonic frequencies in other bands.
6. The main station makes more than three connections without sending its own tag.
B. Sound recordings: Each individual participant (viz VA1) seeking to place in the top five at (a) the world, (b) continent, or (c) categories of the USA, including OVERLAY CLASSIC rating, he is obliged to record the transmitted and received signal for the entire duration of the operation of his station. The recording must be in a common format (e.g. MP3) and should include sound in each ear as a separate channel. The recording must be continuous over time (not recording individual QSOs). Time “breaks” (if not broadcast or
signal received) may not be recorded. The recording may be requested by the Competition Committee by 120 days after the deadline for sending the diary. Uploaded files must be provided by the participant by 5 days from the request. If no record is available, may occur
r e k v a l i f i k a c i diary only for control or disqualification.
C. Disciplinary measures: In case of violation of the conditions of the race, the participant is subject to disqualification at the discretion of the committee.
1. Disqualified dailies will be listed at the end of the published results and are not eligible for diplomas or plaques.
2. Notice of the committee's decision will be sent to the participant by e-mail to the address provided when sending the diary. The contestant has five days to appeal to the competition director. After this period, the decision is final.
3. The Committee reserves the right to change the category of any journal based on a review of the journal or other information.
D. Check the diary: All diaries are checked using special programs and human judgments.
1. Duplicate connections will be removed without further penalties.
2. Links to incorrectly accepted competition codes will be removed without further penalties.
3. Errors in the call sign of the opposite station or a missing connection in the journal of the opposite station will result in the removal of the given connection and a penalty in the amount of twice the value of points for the given connection..

By sending a diary from the CQ WW DX competition and due to the efforts of the CQ WW DX competition committee to review and evaluate this diary, the participant unconditionally and irrevocably agrees, that: 1) has read and understood the rules of the competition and agrees, that he will abide by them, 2) will operate the station according to all rules and regulations, relating to amateur broadcasting in the country of the station, 3) agrees, that the contents of the diary may be made available to the public, and 4) disqualification and other decisions of the committee are official and
finally. If the participant does not agree with all the above facts, then he should not send the diary from the factory or he should send the diary only for checking.
Questions regarding the rules of the CQ WW DX race can be sent by e-mail to < cqww.com/contact/> . Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found at < cqww.com/rules_faq.htm >.
Spring: https://cqww.com/rules.htm