Result list IARU Region 1 VHF Contest 2005

Category: 144 MHz, Single

Pl. Call Score QSO To have. Locator ASL ODX QRB Err. % Power Antenna
1. OM3TZQ 156785 489 320.6 JN98GN 800 I1AXE 965 2.6 300W 2IZ1POA,2x7el.DK7ZB
2. OM1DK 106605 357 298.6 JN87UU 180 I1AXE 877 3.1 150W F9FT 17el
3. OM7JG 100923 322 313.4 JN98ME ? I1AXE 983 2.9 300W 16the F9FT
4. OM8MF 82668 289 286.0 JN97DX 126 I1BPU/2 785 1.7 200W 9the.DK7ZB
5. OM3WMA 65135 244 266.9 JN88RP 286 DK0BN 717 0.0 100W F9FT 16 the.
6. OM2VL 61176 218 280.6 JN88PA 107 What will the Perseids be like in a year 898 0.2 100W 2ABOUT x7el
7. And we have it over with 60998 232 262.9 x9el.,2x7el.DK7ZB 630 DK0A 778 1.3 200W 17 el.F9FT
8. OM5KV 58625 215 272.7 JN97BS 110 What will the Perseids be like in a year 832 4.1 100W 4xGW4CQT
9. OM5MX 56871 207 274.7 JN98BG 223 What will the Perseids be like in a year 868 9.8 250W 4x13Y
10. OM2RL 41605 175 237.7 JN88NR 199 IK4HLQ/4 697 1.2 100W 2x 11el.Yagi
11. OM3EE 37760 179 210.9 JN88RF 125 IQ0TE/6 672 4.0 25W 7-April
12. OM0AAJ Jano 37565 180 208.7 JN88SI 150 I5PVA / 6 659 1.4 100W 15 THE YAGI
13. OM3WEB 36510 144 253.5 JN97CT 101 I1BPU/2 772 8.5 100W 2x17el F9FT
14. OM3CVV 34007 147 231.3 JN88NC 136 DR9A 650 3.3 50W 9 the. YAGY
15. OM0AAJ Jano 25481 118 215.9 And we have it over with 200 IQ0TE/6 731 7.1 50W 9/f9ft
16. OM3TCC 24356 115 211.8 JN88QQ 208 DF0OL 701 2.2 100W 10.element.PA0MS
17. OM7AC 21659 101 214.4 JN98NN 330 DL0XM 572 8.2 250W 4xGW4CQT
18. OM4TC 18731 120 156.1 JN88WV 771 YU7AAA 557 0.5 20W 5 the. logoperiodicka
19. OM6PB 17411 70 248.7 JN99LA 725 And we have it over with 800 4.1 50W DL6WU 14el
20. OM3AUI 16584 86 192.8 JN99IF 500 S59DEM 508 12.3 50W 7.THE.YAGI
21. OM0AAJ Jano 16531 76 217.5 JN88QG 150 YU1R 599 2.2 50W gw4cqt
22. who did not send a diary / did not take part in the race 15364 67 229.3 JN99LA 725 IQ0TE/6 808 5.5 50W DL6WU 14el
23. OM6ABL 13220 69 191.6 JN99LA 725 YU7AAA 553 6.0 50W DL6WU 14EL
24. OM3CCR 12123 73 166.1 JN98AH 175 OK1AR 384 12.5 50W 1xgw4cqt
25. OM1MJ 11231 60 187.2 JN88PE 140 IQ0TE/6 662 13.8 ?W 7the QUAD
26. OM4DN 9799 67 146.3 JN98CX 245 9A4C 392 4.0 10W 4 el.-OK1KRC
27. OM0IM 9562 36 265.6 KN08PR 280 S50C 560 2.6 50W 4 the Yagi
28. OM1TD 9470 56 169.1 JN88ND 140 YU1R 594 5.9 100W 9 THE F9FT
29. OM7PY 9094 41 221.8 JN98UI 200 DK0R 741 7.1 10W 4the ok1krc
30. OM3CFR 7678 62 123.8 JN88QQ 215 S59TTT 273 0.6 50W VERT.UV300
31. OM7CM 7507 47 159.7 JN98NR 320 YU7ACO 438 17.5 25W F9FT 9elem.
32. OM3RI 7135 26 274.4 KN08UV 182 What will the Perseids be like in a year 760 23.9 15W 6the yagi
33. OM0AAJ Jano 6532 34 192.1 KN08GW 400 4N2N 479 0.0 ?W 2the DL7KM
34. OM1II 5991 44 136.2 JN88NC 170 9A4C 283 3.2 30W Pyramid on 80 meters
35. OM1AEG 4001 25 160.0 JN88ME 304 OK1KKD 317 26.1 50W 4 the. Yagi
36. OM3CAQ 1490 14 106.4 JN88PE 140 S57C 281 14.0 ?W 7the QUAD
37. OM1ADA 339 3 113.0 JN88PE 140 OM0AAJ Jano 151 14.0 ?W 7the QUAD
38. OM3CHL 298 3 99.3 KN08OR 242 UR7D 117 17.7 15W 5 the. Yagi

Category: 144 MHz, Multi

Pl. Call Score QSO To have. Locator ASL ODX QRB Err. % Power Antenna
1. OM3W 255337 718 355.6 JN99BB 925 F6KIF/p 984 1.8 700W 2x18el.M2,2x7el.QUAD
2. OM5M 249818 724 345.1 JN88UU 970 What will the Perseids be like in a year 935 0.8 750W 2x 18xxx
3. OM0AAJ Jano 231733 658 352.2 JN87WV 108 SM7WT 920 1.1 2000W 2x4x17el.F9FT, 2x9el.,2x7el.DK7ZB
4. OM0AAJ Jano 222779 648 343.8 JN99JC 1476 I1AXE 1007 1.6 700W 2×9 the. DK7ZB, GW4CQT
5. OM0C 174101 537 324.2 JN88VJ 279 What will the Perseids be like in a year 896 1.0 1000W 102-he. in group
6. OM/OK5DX/p 170641 471 362.3 KN09CE 2634 YL3GDF 902 0.9 200W 11el.ZZ211 ZACH, 9el.F9FT
7. OM3KII 119689 373 320.9 JN98OI 650 I1BPU/2 864 0.7 750W 2x18el.
8. OM0AAJ Jano 102957 351 293.3 JN88LE 514 What will the Perseids be like in a year 929 3.6 80W 4x8el.DK7ZB
9. OM3RMY 88311 320 276.0 JN88RS 590 What will the Perseids be like in a year 942 0.8 100W 14the.DL6WU
10. OM0AAJ Jano 73609 253 290.9 JN88MH 400 DK3EE 723 4.2 40W F9FT
11. OM3KDX 69031 171 403.7 KN19DB 650 DK7T 922 2.1 300W 2×16.el.+4×6.the.
12. OM3KOOM 63599 244 260.7 JN98DV 850 DK0XA 771 4.2 50W 4×3-the. YAGI
13. OM0AAJ Jano 51414 202 254.5 JN99KG 769 DF0OL 784 3.4 25W 16.THE.YAGI
14. x9el.,2x7el.DK7ZB 48335 167 289.4 JN98LB 150 DR9A 785 3.5 300W 16 the. F9FT
15. OM3KIJ 47245 153 308.8 JN99XA 1160 DL0STO 737 4.4 100W 2x7el.Yagi, 7the Quad
16. OM3KHU 45660 129 354.0 KN09XA 380 OK1Cover 699 1.6 100W swan 9 element
17. OM3RRE 43882 206 213.0 JN98FX ? IQ0TE/6 783 1.4 100W YAGI
18. OM3RAL 42328 164 258.1 JN98LR 1232 DF0OL 808 6.6 100W 9 the. F9FT
19. OM0AAJ Jano 41173 129 319.2 IZ1POA 580 IQ0TE/6 849 7.5 100W F9FT 16 the.
20. INTERIM UNOFFICIAL RESULTS AFTER FOUR RACE Comments 19598 82 239.0 KN09AD 1450 S59DEM 573 5.4 25W 8the.DK7ZB
21. OM3KEG 16941 105 161.3 JN98CR 216 DF0MTL 477 9.7 3W 8 the Yagi
22. OM3KWM 3820 24 159.2 KN08NR 282 S51ZO 425 20.2 20W pa0ms

Dennik nezaslali:
OM0AAJ, OM1CI, OM2BJ, OM2MA, OM3QQ, OM3KTR, Multiband HF antenna, who did not send a diary / did not take part in the race, OM3WFB, OM3WLH, OM3WOR, OM3WKB, OM3YFT, Category QRP, OM5ALB, OM5BB, OM5KP, who did not send a diary / did not take part in the race, OM5NZ, OM6HO, who did not send a diary / did not take part in the race, who did not send a diary / did not take part in the race, INTERIM UNOFFICIAL RESULTS AFTER FOUR RACE Comments. During the inspection, they were also used 133 competition diaries from the states of the IARU Region 1. Evaluated: x9el.,2x7el.DK7ZB, 28. september 2005.

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