List of HF / VHF races July 2003
Next month we will have some very interesting contests. We can mention Field Day, IARU HF World Championship or IOTA contest. We wish you many nice connections and good results.
Date | UTC | Bandpass filters | Bandage is fashionable |
5.-6.7. | 00.00-24.00 | Venezuelan Independence Day Contest | SSB |
5.7. | 04.00-06.00 | SSB Liga | SSB, 80m |
6.7. | 04.00-06.00 | Operating assets KV | CW, 80m |
5.-6.7. | 11.00-11.00 | DL DX RTTY Contest | RTTY, 80-10m |
5.-6.7. | 14.00-14.00 | 3.subregional races | CW/SSB, 2Bandpass filters |
5.-6.7. | 15.00-15.00 | Original QRP Contest | CW, 80-20m |
7.7. | 19.00-21.00 | Bandpass filters 160 SSB | SSB, 160m |
12.7. | 04.00-06.00 | OM Activity Contest | CW/SSB, 80m |
12.-13.7. | 12.00-12.00 | IARU HF World Championship | CW/SSB, 160-10m |
14.7. | 19.00-21.00 | Bandpass filters 160 CW | CW, 160m |
19.7. | 00.01-23.59 | Colombian Indenpendence Day Contest | CW/SSB/RTTY |
19.7. | 07.00-23.00 | Pacific 160m Contest | CW/SSB, 160m |
19.7. | 12.00-18.00 | S5 VHF-UHF Maraton | CW/SSB, 2m a 70cm |
19.-20.7. | 18.00-21.00 | CQ WW VHF Contest | Bandpass filters, 6 a 2m |
20.7. | 05.00-09.00 | LZ Activity Contest | CW/SSB, 6Bandpass filters |
20.7. | 07.00-12.00 | 9Bandpass filters | CW/SSB, 2m |
20.7. | 08.00-11.00 | Bandpass filters | CW/SSB, 2Bandpass filters |
20.7. | 09.00-12.00 | RSGB Low Power Field Day (1) | CW |
20.7. | 13.00-16.00 | RSGB Low Power Field Day (2) | CW |
26.-27.7. | 00.00-24.00 | Russian RTTY WW Contest | RTTY |
26.-27.7. | 00.00-24.00 | Venezuelan Independence Day Contest | CW |
26.-27.7. | 12.00-12.00 | IOTA Contest | CW/SSB, 80-10m |
28.7. | 17.00-21.00 | HG VHF Maraton | CW/SSB, 2m a 70cm |