The result of the race ”Spring sprint with a small performance” year 2003

The result of the race “Spring sprint with a small performance” year 2003
which took place on 21.IV.2003 (Easter Monday)
The race is organized by the Slovak Radio Amateur Association

 Kategoria  A  (1W)  - one strand 1. OM6AJO	3,5 MHz		    	1560 bodov   Kategoria  C  (5W) - one strand 1. OK1IR	3,5 MHz  			       4884 points 2. I2AZ	7		             	       4704 3. DL0NZ	3,5					2880		on. DK5RY 4. DK5RY	7					1920 5. OM6MV	3,5					1656 6. RW3AI	14				 	 780   Kategoria C  (5W) - 2/3 strands 1. OK2KRT	3,5  7 14  MHz               17496 bodov  op. OK2MJ 2. G4FDC	3,5  7 14                        4920 3. OM3TY	3,5  7		              1638 4. OM3TK	3,5  7 		              1382   Kategoria  C  (5W) - all breeds 1. I1BAY	3,5  7 14 21  MHz           29670 bodov   Kategoria Q (25W) - 2/3 strands 1. OM7EW 	3,5  7 14 MHz            5148 bodov   Kategoria  X (50W) - 1 band 1. UA9FGJ	               14  MHz           4032 bodov   Kategoria  X  (50W) -  2/3 strands 1. G3RSD	      3,5  7 14  MHz            7320 points 2. G4OGB	            7 14	                6825 3. OM3KFV      3,5  7 		         1188   Kategoria  Y  (100W) - one strand 1. preliminary results       3,5 MHz	                2349 bodov   Kategoria  Y  (100W) - 2/3 strands 1. OM4XA	     3,5  7 14  MHz            16992 points 2. OM4DN	     3,5  7 14                   14256	 3. OM7TJ        3,5  7 1                     3534   Kategoria  Y  (100W) - all breeds 1. YL2PQ	1,8 3,5  7 14  MHz            33453 points	 2. UN5C	     3,5  7 14                   26082 3. OM3BA	1,8 3,5  7 1                      3936

OM6SA AUG 2003

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