GlobalSET exercise 2008
IARU Region 1 organizes another exercise of emergency communication of stations of amateur radio organizations ARES called GlobalSET, Equipment exhibition 8. in November at the time of 4.00 do 8:00 UTC. The activity itself will take place near CoA frequencies (Center-of-Activity) +/- QRM. Therefore, we ask for your patience during the specified time and if possible, avoid broadcasting near the frequencies 3760, 7060, 14300, 18160, 21360 kHz. Since the broadcast will take place in the morning hours, there may be mutual interference in the morning SSB circles and in the OM Activity contest. Do not call or interrupt the stations in this exercise. Communication will only take place between stations, which were announced for the exercise. ARES stations from all IARU regions will participate in the exercise. ARES SZR will be represented at this exercise by station OM9HQ. You can listen to the broadcast on the indicated frequencies or watch it directly at the meeting of radio amateurs in Tatranské Matliary, from where OM9HQ will be broadcasting from during the exercise. More information about ARES can be found at