Free Radio Network

Free Radio Network (hereinafter referred to as the FRN) is a worldwide communication network for free band users (CB, PMR, LPD) enabling their mutual communication via PC and TRX and connecting radios to the FRN network. The Free Radio Network is a competitor to the E-QSO network 446, FRN has against E-QSO 446 significantly better support (EQSO's main servers were down for a long time), subjectively better voice transmission, is less prone to “tearing” with a worse line and has better user management for administrators. FRN requires free registration from the program, by which it can be limited “brothel” in the FRN network. After my communication with the authors and involvement in the project, the original installers already contain Slovak!

Why use Free Radio Network?

Regarding the method of communication via ICQ, Skype, MSN a pod. the use of the FRN program has an advantage mainly in this, that it is most similar to simplex operation via walkie-talkie. Unlike Skype, everyone connects and disconnects from the discussion by himself, therefore, a conference does not have to be created by one of the users and it has significantly lower demands on the connection speed, just connect via modem.

At the same time, it is possible to connect a walkie-talkie to the PC and thus expand the circle of participants and thus create a gateway network. Thus, it is possible to connect e.g. Bratislava and Prague, when will e.g. in Bratislava, a radio connected to the PMR channel 8 and in Prague, a radio will also be connected to the PMR channel 7. That is, as long as the session is received within the range of the connected radio in Prague, this will be audible to all participants connected to the server and will also be broadcast in Bratislava. Of course, it will also work the other way around from Bratislava to Prague, and at the same time, participants connected only via PC can join the discussion. So there is no need to build different repeaters, operation is simlex! Several transmitters can be connected, thus, an extensive radio network can be created.
I created a non-stop server with an IP for Slovakia and the Czech Republic , port 10024, I recommend choosing a network “months for binding reasons”

I started this server, so that radio enthusiasts from Slovakia and the Czech Republic would have a place to gather. It will work continuously as far as possible, is backed up by UPS. In case of its malfunction, write to me on ICQ: 203068031.

Free Radio Network
Free Radio Network

Currently, a nonstop gateway is connected to the FRN network – CB transmitter in Bratislava on 29 channel and occasionally PMR in Lučenec na 8 channels. Gates are being prepared in Košice and possibly also in Banská Bystrica. I am also considering converting the PMR repeater in BA to a PMR Gateway with the option to activate the repeater via DTMF.

Recommendations when operating in the FRN network

Since the operation on the FRN Slovak server has started and we have a few gateways connected to the ether, differences from classic operation in the ether are starting to show. That's why, as the administrator of the server and one of the gateways, I took the liberty of writing the following recommendations, which should be followed:

  • Before the very first connection to FRN or after using another voice program (Skype, gtalk…) before connecting to “acute” rooms (months for binding reasons, Sk+Cz,…) connect to the room first “Test”, where you can test your modulation, the blue column on the left should extend at least halfway, otherwise, your modulation, especially on the air, will be quite quiet and others will not understand you well! At the same time, you will hear yourself from “parrot”, if your modulation doesn't suit you, it probably won't appeal to others either! If for FRN you use a laptop, I highly recommend buying it for €4 (in any store with PC accessories, also in Tesco) desk microphone, as modulation from the microphone in the notebook it is usually bad and at the same time disturbed by the fan and HDD in the notebook! Refrain from tests in “acute” rooms (months for binding reasons, Sk+Cz,…), I realize, that they can probably hear you on the air, at the same time, others can see who is testing, so don't do it “shame”.
  • Give at least a two-second gap between each session, traffic via FRN has a delay of about a second and therefore “brakes” they don't stand a chance without a gap in the air! The same is of course also true for on-air operation, therefore, do not hesitate to remind people of this fact on the air, if you don't hear the beginning of their session.
  • If you communicate with each other over the Internet, give once in a while (5 – 10 minutes) challenge to the airwaves, would anyone like to join the discussion, many people on the air are shy to speak up.
  • Don't be passive, as long as no one communicates and everyone just listens, we can wrap it up over time, it will turn out the same as on CB bands! So talk!
  • If you would like to talk only with chosen person (by people) and you don't want to be heard on the air, agree with the given person either by voice or private text message to move to another room, she is free Sk+Cz, or create a temporary one, it is enough for one of you to enter the name of the room in the field and connect, and the others can then also connect there. It is the equivalent of switching to another channel at CB, so other users can also connect, but unlike CB you see on the monitor, who joined…
  • FRN is the gateway from the Internet to the airwaves in Slovakia
    Coverages are calculated by the Radiomobile program and reality is always better 🙂
    Bratislava FRN CB gate on the channel 71 – coverage calculated for a stationary antenna 1/2 at a height of 20m at a power of 4W, The SQ on the gateway is set to 7S (yellow color).
    Bratislavská FRN CB brána

    Košice FRN PMR gate on the canal 8, undertone 8 – coverage calculated for a hand-held PMR with the original antenna at a height of 2m above the ground

    Košická FRN PMR brána

    coverage calculated for hand-held PMR with additional 1/4 at a height of 15m above the ground and 2dB losses in the cable

    Košická FRN PMR brána

    You are interested in connecting a PMR station to the FRN network, but you don't know how? Here you will find the answer.
    On the Slovak FRN server in the network “Test” the repeater is constantly running, so you can test the functionality and setup of your FRN client without disturbing others!

    TNX for providing materials about Free Radio Network Tóno OM1AEG, source: You can also find more details about FRN and how to install and configure FRN on this page.

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