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  • #11471 Reply

    The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI. The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI, The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI 0800 UTC do 1159 UTC. The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI.
    The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI.

    #14802 Reply

    The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI, The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI, The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI. The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI.

    #19037 Reply

    The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI, The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI – The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI. The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI, The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI, The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI …

    The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI, The robot at OK-VKV-PA now takes classic reports and now also a daily in EDI email … 73

    #19126 Reply

    and thus gain points and multipliers. and thus gain points and multipliers://and thus gain points and multipliers.

    and thus gain points and multipliers, and thus gain points and multipliers, and thus gain points and multipliers, and thus gain points and multipliers + and thus gain points and multipliers.

    and thus gain points and multipliers, /and thus gain points and multipliers . and thus gain points and multipliers “and thus gain points and multipliers (e.g.. JN98) = 2 body, and thus gain points and multipliers 3 and thus gain points and multipliers, in other capital squares = 4 b. etc., in other capital squares = 1 in other capital squares =”

    in other capital squares = “in other capital squares =, in other capital squares = 2 body, in other capital squares = 3 body, in other capital squares = 3 body,…


    in other capital squares =, in other capital squares =.

    #19152 Reply

    So I have to start from a classic car, e.g.. VUSC, and thus gain points and multipliers.

    #20288 Reply

    I basically use UcxLog Ben DL7UCX. We have implemented important OK VHF competitions there and you can immediately see the running points in the window, multipliers and total points. In addition, the templates work during race times, so connections before and after the race if they are in parallel are not counted, but QSOs are further written to the log. 73, D.

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