Extraordinary congress of SZR

      Dear friends,members of the Slovak Radio Amateur Association !       I have taken the liberty of sending this text to the DISCUSSION section, the text of my complaint sent to the SZR Presidium in these days, in which I propose a call- years of mimoriada SZR congress, which only one could fix some no- sufficiency in our radio amateur organization. Consider,please, this text as INFORMATION for each of you, who reads the post.      I am fully aware of that, that some members do not have to agree with my opinion, after all, I can't even ask for it from everyone. Still, please everyone, who reads this post, to consider its content and try to find a comprehensive and effective solution outlined for- in order to improve the basic documents of the SZR and achieve a positive impact on the functioning of the organization, of which we are members. I take the liberty of them- ask everyone early, who often considered the need, ucelu, activities, strengths and weaknesses of our organization, to your we- slips, seizures, suggestions, PROPOSALS WRITTEN and SENT as Stimuli suggestions- of the Slovak Radio Amateur Association, which will certainly show interest- here to deal with members' views and outlined issues,seizures,designs with po- a positive approach. Improving the activities and functioning of the SZR is the main task of the Presidium, otherwise it is not necessary ...      I apologise,that the text of this post is a little longer, as is customary in the region ....
       INITIATIVE TEXT:        Statutes of the Slovak Radio Amateur Association, as well as the SZR Organizational Rules, which arose on the basis of a closer unknown proposal to an unknown entity, found out on 5. SZR congress in 2002 some significant changes, which membership probably did not have the opportunity to discuss, when he did not know them. The wording of the Articles of Association and their amendments have traditionally been approved unanimously. This usually pretr- vava, I suppose, from the past.       The basic reason for my proposal to convene an extraordinary congress of the SZR is a fact, that the 5th Congress did not in any way correct the unprecedented situation due to the impossibility of carrying out any revision activity, was not presented by the Presidium at the congress, nor the congress approved the STATUTE OF THE SZR REVISION COMMISSION, which by this day, contrary to the STATUTES of the SZR, did not exist, it does not exist to this day and cannot exist in the years to come 6. of the SZR congress in the year 2006!!! The clearly predecessor of the SZR Presidium and the- the delegation of the 5th Congress, which such a binding deficiency, despite the existence of illegal handling of SZR property, immediately corrected by formulating and approving the Statute of the SZR Revision Commission.       Nik iny, as ZJAZD, cannot approve the statute of the audit committee, nik iny,as a congress, cannot CANCEL the resolution 5. exit for vol, that the draft statute should be before- loaded until the 6th exit, no one else can impose a method on the audit committee, who can or can do my business; in particular, the SZR Presidium cannot do that, which should be in accordance with the Organizational Rules of the SZR in its activities- by the SZR Revision Commission. The Audit Committee is responsible only to the SZR CONGRESS !        Under the current situation, SZR members have no guarantee, show me ma- the abbot will not be improperly handled illegally, apart from partial personnel changes in the Presidium and the staff composition.       The IBA at the special congress of the SZR could also be specified, repair, to supplement or delete some formulations of the unanimously approved Statutes of the SZR, which contain some particularly serious shortcomings.              I am also proposing to submit to the Extraordinary Congress of the SZR also a proposal to amend the Statutes of the SZR and Or- SZR organization, n a j m a in the following circles : K S t a n o v a m SZR :       1.  Formulate briefly and clarify the relationship of SZR to ZTSC, position of both entities,economic relations and dependencies or dependencies in other areas and principles, which result from this.           Most memberships do not know the nature of these relationships and therefore do not have the ability-           influence them.       2.  Similarly, briefly characterize in the Statutes the relationship to the IARU.       3.  Edit the wording about it, she SZR "represents Slovak radio stations-           terov". He can actually represent IBA members of SZR, no one else, whereas other Slovak radio amateurs did not authorize SZR to do so.       4.  Statement, with "SZR provides international QSL service" is true ONLY SCASTI. Our organization REFUSES to accept QSL for sending to non-SZR members. The congress should make this area democratic-           she, allow sending also to non-members of the SZR provided, that they will pay a certain contribution to the activities of the QSL service. Otherwise, SZR de facto blackmails non-members, to become members of the SZR, if I want to realize my interests in a normal and usual way. An example from the Czech Republic can be brought to your attention, where it works and in addition e.g.. will send-           lanie QSL tickets for radio amateurs over 70 years of age free of charge,           no matter how, whether or not they are members of any radio amateur-           organizations ...       5.  Automatic title acquisition "road president" or "road vice-           president" without approval by voting at the congress, only "for years" ( without it, that they would deny the merits for the positive results of the performance of the function), whether the apartment is smiling, if the declaration of an ordinary member for "road member SZR" must approve the congress ...       6.  In addition to the broad duties of a member of the SZR and its rights, the Statutes of the SZR, PRECISIONALLY formulate the DUTIES of the President of the SZR, vice-           prezidentov SZR, SZR Presidencies and SZR Secretary. Doterajsie Sta-           new NO OBLIGATIONS of these entities  !!!           For this reason, real estate is NOT secured in any way-           zacia PRAV CLENA SZR !           From the meaning of the word "recommendation" follows, that the addressee may or may not have to accept the recommendation to accept a fact. The Articles of Association impose an obligation to comply with the recommendations of the IARU..       7.  The provision on SZR radio clubs has undergone significant changes compared to the previous wording of the Articles of Association.. On the one hand, the draftsman of the current SZR Statutes does not want to have mats with radio clubs "nothing in common" (especially not on the economic side), iba ich Prezidium "records" (i.e.. has them for-           written in the list ... hi), on the other hand, it is almost exclusively a member-           via radio clubs perform this activity, on which the Presidium is available-           miscellaneous subsidies and multi-million dollar assets ... It would be appropriate to consider some different adjustments..  However, when the radio club wants to get drunk-           sat to that list, must tzv. "apply for registration"..., of which, however, no rights to him, and no longer an advantage or perhaps a crown, non-gas.           The so-called. "organizational article" he doesn't even need a crown, SZR does not want to know anything about the packet network ( except for the discarded Nokia), nodes and bbs exist from the private money of their sysop at times, not god-            akeho, contributions from several users.       8.  An extremely binding shortcoming of the SZR Statutes is the change of cl. VIII, where in the passage on the termination of the SZR, the disposition regarding the remainder of the SZR's assets after the settlement of liabilities was INTENTIONALLY deleted., that this disposition "rejected under the table". WHO SUITS IT? WHO IS THIS MA-           JETOK PRIVLASTNI, should such a situation arise? Who among the delegates of the 5th congress knows ? "Move" millions into the foreign hands, into the unknown,           to foreign or fictitious s.r.o. ? Why such a fog came?           It must be clear in the Statutes. If the SZR is an interest association of citizens with individual membership, then the property belongs to all members and should be, exit in the manner specified, divided.       9.  Until the provision of cl. VII The Articles of Association on revision activity are necessarily inserted-           in addition to the term "hospodarenia review" and other wording, which got out of the Statutes, totizto aj : "overseeing the compliance of the SZR Presidium's activities with the SZR Statutes and resolutions of the SZR Congress". The SZR Revision Commission is only responsible for this supervision.  ON THE ORGANIZATIONAL RULES OF THE SZR  :        1.  To the point 1. - Exit  - fill in, as a specific,how to, I'll be there-           new notifications of the Congress "written", Besides that, that I will announce-           contained in the OM9HQ broadcast and possibly in the Radio Journal, which will be taken by an unspecified part of SZR members.       2.  To the point 1.2 - it is necessary to pass, why radio clubs are BENEFICIAL when sending delegates to the congress in comparison with regular members of SZR,           who are not members of radio clubs!If three members of the three-member radio-           clubs have the right to send to the congress 1 delegate, as soon as the DIS is drained-           KRIMINACIA neclenov radioklubov, which must be sent 1 from-           legate on the harness of signed desat ? Why not the same? It's not going to happen-           short.       3.  K 1.3 - Pursuant to this item, the secretary draws up the minutes of the congress meeting, it only depends on him, what he states in the minutes and what he pauses for.           The rules of procedure do not in any way ensure the control of reports-           its content. For this reason, it is necessary to supplement the org           "verifiers of the minutes of the Congress",without a signature, which the minutes cannot be a binding document of the Congress.       4.  K 1.5 - until the appointment of the Congress, it is necessary to add also           "the right to prophesy,to approve and amend the Statute of the SZR Revision Commission"       5.  K 1.9.2  -  Election procedure -  to abolish undemocratic and selfish mouths-           report on it, that if only 1 candidate for president of SZR, or SZR vice presidents, there is no need to vote on the proposal and the person is declared automatically elected. IT IS ONLY THE LAUGHTER RIGHT OF MEMBERS TO VOTE CUSTOMS OFFICERS OF SZR, MEMBERS ARE DIRECTLY REFUSING THIS RIGHT. It's just a fear of that, that the result of the vote could also be the opposite. Is-           the new ones are controversial. You must always vote, if there should be anyone in such functions ! (Nope "samovymenovany")       6.  To the point 3 - Prezidium SZR - It is necessary to define in the Organizational Rules precisely all important duties of the Presidium of the SZR and its officials, which are missing in the basic documents. Delegation provision "some" The powers of the Presidium to the Secretary are nothing-           talking, enables any interpretation and helps the possible unjustified release of the responsibility of the Presidium of the SZR on the one hand and the possible abuse and expansion of the competence of the SZR employee on the other hand.       7.  Tie and refine, ci ma mat secretary of SZR economic rights,           and yes, determine their maximum range, which should be as small as possible,           without the possibility of exceeding it. Since the experience of SZR members from recent-           period also contains facts about the illegal handling of millions in the property of SZR, it is necessary to create an effectively prevented brain-           repetition of the situation. The current basic documents of the SZR are also for-           gates I do NOT provide. In this context, it will inevitably create and ur-           feel exactly the rules concerning the right of signing officials-           zidia SZR, including questions to the Secretary of the SZR, at any disposition with the finances and property of the SZR. The necessary measures concerning the material responsibility of SZR officials and employees must also be implemented. What eventual measures will the congress take, and to which the Presidium of the SZR is authorized, it must be decided by the Congress itself.                                        *    So much for the content of my initiative to the Presidium of the SZR to convene an Extraordinary Congress of the SZR about the reasons for this initiative and with an indication of problematic issues-   the repealed Statutes and the Rules of Procedure.        I apologize again for the considerable scope. I can't be shorter-   darilo zvladnut.                                         73 !  Milos, OM3AA
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