Proposals and amendments to the Permitting Conditions and Measures of the TÚ SR
In year 2006 is the 100th anniversary of the first ITU conference. During all those years, amateur radio has played an important role in the knowledge development process, culture and rapprochement between nations. We believe, that the acceptance of these proposals will help to create modern and high-quality authorization conditions, which will be a significant milestone in the further process of self-education of radio amateurs and will enable access to the possibility of education for more people than before..
The described proposals and amendments to the Permit Conditions and Measures of the Technical Office of the Slovak Republic were compiled on the basis of European Radiocommunications Office documents, International Telecommunication Union ITU, current permitting conditions of TÚ SR for ARS, licensing conditions of the amateur radio countries of Europe and comments from the amateur radio community.
Creation of two operator classes of amateur radio stations (hereinafter ARS), a to: Extra a Novice.
Change of classes from the current four classes to two classes based on the recommendation of the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) on simplifying the process of accessing amateur radio frequencies. The change of classes corresponds to the trend, how the development of permitting conditions in Europe and other amateur radio countries in the world is moving.
Abolition of the requirement for telegraphy knowledge for shortwave access (KV).
The ITU leaves the decision on this requirement to the national telecommunications authorities. The requirement to cancel the telegraphy test is in line with the trend in permitting conditions in Europe. Due to the development of new, especially digital modes (prostitute, FSK, JT65, Echolink a pod.) to include this heading in the questions of the special competence tests.
Those interested in the telegraphy exam can try and issue a certificate on request.
Class Extra issue CEPT T / R permit 61-01 and class Novice permit CEPT Novice ECC / REC 05-06.
Dokument ECC/REC 05-06 CEPT News radio amateur license contains recommendation the National Telecommunications Office for the content of the tests for the issuance of the CEPT Novice permit. The National Telecommunications Office therefore has the right to decide on the content of the test, on the basis of which it will issue a permit to the CEPT Novice applicant.
Dokument CEPT T/R 61-01 CEPT Amateur radio licence sets the conditions, for which ADR can be granted a CEPT permit. Based on a revision of the article 25 ITU Radio Regulations do not require a telegraphy test for the issue of CEPT T / R 61-01 permits.
Transform the current operator classes as follows: Class A, B and C will move to the Extra class and operators of the D class will switch to the Novice class.
Due to the fact, that the current special competence tests for Class D differ only minimally in scope (not areas) required knowledge required by the ECC / REC document 05-06, we recommend that the National Telecommunication Office assign Class D permits to Class D operators without the requirement to supplement the KV test, as this document does not distinguish between the content of the test on HF and VHF bands.
Due to the fact, that the extent of the knowledge required by the current special competence tests for Class C, B and A place higher demands on the knowledge and skills of the ARS operator, assign operators of these classes the same class without further examination.
Establish one of the requirements for obtaining the Extra class as one year of experience in the Novice class and follow-up minimum 500 connection, of which there would be at least a quarter (125 connection) compulsory during amateur radio races. Novice class operators recognize practice and established connections in class D.
The criterion of a year of experience in amateur bands and the establishment of a minimum number of connections is intended to confirm the practical knowledge of the applicant for the Extra class..
Due to the fact, that amateur radio races place increased demands on operator skills (connections with an emphasis on speed and accuracy, connections using non-native language), technical skills (improving ADR in order to meet the criterion more quickly), ADR operations from a transitional site (assembly and disassembly on the dimension in order to meet the criterion more quickly) - obligatorily require the establishment of at least a minimum number of connections during the amateur radio race. Last but not least, this will increase the participation in the race and better representation of Slovak radio amateurs..
Due to the difficulty of achieving the criterion 500 connections and at least quarter connections in amateur radio competitions, for operators of class D on VHF bands to recognize all achieved connections and practice in this class, as a requirement for the Extra class test.
Add bandwidth 122 GHz to the frequency table.
Add a range to the frequency table 122,25 – 123,0 GHz pre ARS.
Check, whether it is not possible to supplement the table of frequencies with a band of 4 m (70 MHz).
This band is being approved for ADR in several countries around the world. In case, that there is no frequency range 70,0 – 70,5 MHz used by other services, allow operation in this band with a power of 25W provided, that other services will not be disrupted.
In the Extra class, allow a maximum power of 750W PEP. In the case of the use of several phase-driven output stages, the total power is determined by simply adding the powers of all output stages. Proposed frequencies according to table No. 1 HF and VHF bands for class Extra.
Define a maximum power of 750W PEP (top performance). Due to the trend of using several concurrently excited power stages, especially in amateur radio races, define exactly how to determine the overall power. <During operation, it is necessary to use a low-noise preamplifier and maximum power
The proposed frequency table is based on the current frequency table. Due to the definition of ITU-RR HF (KV) to move the band 50,00 – 52.00 MHz between VHF bands. The proposal is supplemented by a band 70,00 -70.50 MHz with a power of 25W and a band 122,25 – 123 GHz.
In the Novice class, allow a maximum power of 100W PEP. In the case of the use of several concurrently excited output stages, the total power is determined by simply adding up the powers of all output stages. Proposed frequencies according to table No. 2 HF and VHF bands for the Novice class.
Define a maximum power of 100W PEP (top performance). Due to the trend of using several concurrently excited power stages, especially in amateur radio races, define exactly how to determine the overall power.
The proposed frequency table would allow Novice class operators to access the HF and VHF bands in this way, so that they can develop as effectively as possible in self-education, mutual communication and technical study. These are bands or segments of bands 136 kHz; 1,8 MHz; 3,5 MHz; 10 MHz; 21 MHz; 28 MHz and the whole range of VHF bands, which would allow this class to develop not only in the field of operations, but also technical in the area of lower HF bands as well as higher HF bands.
Carrying out amateur radio examinations in a transparent form of a written test and an oral examination. Setting the boundary 75% correct answers in the written test as a prerequisite for admission to the oral exam, which will verify the applicant's knowledge of the certificate of special professional competence for the operation of ADR.
We propose to perform amateur radio tests in the form of a written test compiled according to range of areas in the ECC / REC proposal 05-06 for the Novice class and for the Extra class in accordance with the range of required knowledge according to the CEPT T / R document 61-01.
Applicant, who demonstrates knowledge with the correct answer at least to 75% questions will be admitted to the oral exam, in which the examination commissioner verifies the knowledge of the applicant for the issuance of a certificate of examination of special professional competence for the operation of the ARS system has - does not have proven knowledge from the written test.
Lowering the age limit for the issuance of an amateur radio license of the Novice class to 10 years of age with a maximum output power of 10W from a single output stage. After reaching the age of 15, lift the performance restriction. Indicate this fact in the permit. Also after the age of 15 to allow the examination of special professional competence for the Extra class.
Due to the trend of lowering the age limit to a certain level of the educational process, to enable the acquisition of an ARS concession of the Novice class for children and young people aged 10 – 15 years. Limit power to 10W, as a frontier for seamless EMC compatibility with other services, as children and young people have limited opportunities to address EMC compatibility issues with other services. The condition for issuing a permit would be the consent of the legal representative.
To change the TÚ SR Directive to the method of allocating amateur radio signs. Determine the fee for allocating a suffix in an above-standard way.
We suggest single letter suffixes book for special and contest stations. Allow Extra class operators to assign any free two-letter suffix of your choice for normal operation. Allow Novice class operators to be assigned any free three-letter suffix of your choice. The only exceptions are suffixes beginning with the letter Q (possible confusion with Q-code, does not allow the ITU).
For the allocation of, two- and a three-letter suffix to set an appropriate fee for applicants of their choice. In case, that the applicant is not interested in a specific suffix or does not pay the set fee, the call sign is assigned by TÚ SR
This is a similar principle to the allocation of ECVs for motor vehicles, where the applicant for an above-standard ECV pays a fee for its issuance.
Viliam Petrik, OM0AAO
In Tatranská Lomnica on January 26 2007
Please provide a reasonable and well-founded justification, if you know the facts, which run counter to this proposal. As well as if you have suggestions, what else would you help me improve the design, please give a broader justification.
WARNING: any nonsensical and unsubstantiated comments will be deleted, in order to better orientate themselves in the discussion. Thank you for your understanding.