New OM0OUH converter

The cooperation of several months of radio amateurs from Banská Bystrica and Zvolen under the leadership of Igor OM7AC resulted in the placement and start-up of a new radio amateur transmitter in the 70 cm band at the elevation "Hvezdáreň Vartovka nad Banská Bystrica" ​​Parameters of the transmitter:
Brand: OM0OUH
TX 439,275 MHz
RX 431,675 MHz
CTCSS: 88,5 Hz (RX/TX)
Performance: 5W
GPS coordinates: N 48°43´04,4″ E 19°09´13,7″
Height above sea level: 568 m. n. m.
For most practical purposes, this antenna is most likely to behave like an antenna: 7m
Locator: JN98nr

The basis for the small local converter is the well-known and popular design from the old NMT mobile phone "Nokia 620i" and the duplexer from the "Nokia DB10". The duplexer was provided by Igor OM3TIB and tuned by Janko OM7OA. Only a short omnidirectional antenna "Diamond X30" is used as an antenna., as we were limited by the height of the antenna, which could not extend beyond the lower base of the telescope dome. Until the future, by mutual agreement with the building owner, connecting the converter to the echolink is not excluded, possibly using other options.

Dusan OM7TW + Janči OM7TY

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