Race ”Spring Sprint” with low power 2008

International KV race
(Test SS)
Competition conditions for Slovak stations

Organizer: Slovak Association of Amateur Radio – QRP interest group
Date: Veľkonočný pondelok 24.marec 2008 (Every year on Easter Monday)
Time: 14.00 – 20.00 GMT
Operator: One operator (single on)
Type of operation: Telegraphy (CW, A1A)
Bands: 1,8 3,5 7 14 21 a 28 MHz in the parts of the bands recommended by the IARU for racing
Performance categories: A : 1W C : 5W Q : 25 W X : 50W Y : 100W
These powers are the maximum output powers
Band categories: 1. one band 2. two / three bands 3. all bands
Competition code: RST, IARU locator (the first four characters) and performance category. E.g.. 579 JN98 C
From the stations, which are not in the race, it is enough to accept only RST.
Scoring: 3 points for a QSO with its own continent
9 points for a QSO with another continent
** Foreign stations are gaining 18 points for QSO with Slovakia **
Multipliers: are calculated separately for each band. We use two types of multipliers:
a. IARU locator ( the first four characters ) e.g.. JN98
b. Prefix ( under the terms of the WPX diploma )
The result: 1. The final result is the sum of QSO points from all bands multiplied by the sum of multipliers from all bands
2. For each duplicate QSO included, the evaluator deducts ten times the points, which this QSO was supposed to bring
3. QSO simultaneously on two different bands (crossband) do not apply
Diaries: 1. Separately for each band with its own page numbering
2. The following information must be included in the header of the competition logs : Brand, zone, and the page number x of the total number n.
3. There should be at least on each side 40 QSO with the following column designations: Date, GMT time, made station mark, RST, submitted competition code, code received, new Locator, new Prefix, body za QSO. Blank spaces in the RST column will be considered a report 599.
4. Diaries with used bands, which the participant does not intend to submit as part of the competition logbook will be considered as a control logbook. Mark these logs “Diary for inspection”.
5. Samples of competition diaries and cover pages or the English version of the competition conditions can be requested from the evaluator (Radio club OM3KFV, Postal folder No. 3, 038 61 SCREWS ). Attach an envelope with your return address to the application. You can also use your journal form with the necessary information (vid paragraph 2 a 3).

Yaesu FT-840
Yaesu FT-840

Title-page should contain the following details: The name of the race, date. Number of valid QSOs, points and multipliers in each band. final result, operator name, station address and brand. Performance category, band category. IARU locator, TX output power, device description and ANT, and a signed solemn declaration. Address for sending competition logs: Radio club OM3KFV, mailbox no.3, 038 61 SCREWS. Diaries by e-mail in text format to om3kfv@zoznam.sk .

Students can also take part in the race according to the usual conditions.

Diaries must be sent by the 30th day after the race. Mark the envelope “Past JS”. We present this race abroad as “Low Power Spring Sprint”. Test SS.

Evaluation: *For violation of the rules and the spirit of the race, the evaluation committee may deduct points or disqualify the participant of the race. The decision of the commission is final.
*A station may submit a contest log for only one power / band combination.
Diplomas: Top three stations in each power/band category
Prices: Each station with the most points in each power/band category, which achieved the minimum number of points required for the given category.

Alex OM6SA

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