Funny amateur radio sayings
Amateur radio also brings humorous situations. If you have experienced even more, do not hesitate and write them down!
Under the hill: "We are up at fifteen, maximum twenty minutes".
On the hill:
– "Source? After all, you carried it!“
– "Not, i thought you!“
Such a simple device must work the first time it is switched on.
That mast pipe can definitely take it.
That's how you get to me, that you will look for the largest antenna on the roof in the housing estate.
With this device, it is not a problem to hit the channel.
We used lossless coaxial cable.
Flashes are guaranteed to avoid my device.
It vibrates? I have been building this preamp for years and it has never vibrated. It's just a bit unstable.
"Dizzying speed of packet radio 2400Bd"
– "You're wide!“
– "Not, my name is Martin Dlhý".