Changes to OM0OVV
Hi, I would like to inform you about changes in operators OM0OVV – 145,600 Kamzik a OM0OUJ – 438,875 V. Javorina.
On OM0OVV, after tuning the duplexer, the power was increased to the allowed 10W from the previous 4W from the transmitter. The attenuation of the duplexer is currently 1.4dB in the TX path. We also had to approach the announced change of the activation subton from 88,5 at 77Hz to prevent morning interference from Moravian stations on the borderline. The converter is activated by the 77Hz subton and also transmits the 77Hz subton during the received session. We experimentally set the mode for stations without a subton, which can communicate within two minutes after the end of the station's transmission with the subton. Thus, you can also have a connection via a converter with an older device, but only with the opposite station, what a device with a subton has and a relation without a subton must be shorter than 2 minutes. The reach has improved significantly, favorable responses are already from Prievidza, Trencina, Zlatych Moraviec and I personally managed to get out of the car near Turcianske Teplice. Users at Martin and Liptovský Mikulas also spoke.
Another novelty is the radio linking of 2m RPT OM0OVV in Kamzik with 70cm RPT OM0OUJ in Velká Javorina. Linking is secured directly to OM0OVV, used 8-ele stainless steel welded antenna, power of the Motorola M100 line radio is 20W. Both transporters look like one, communication within or between each other is without inconvenient delay (zlinkovanie do 300ms).
Echolink pre OM0OVV (and therefore also for OM0OUB) will be launched in a few days, if no problems occur.
Both carriers are sponsored by Radiolan (, paid the necessary HW for the construction – TRX, antenna, source, battery, cabinet…), Radiolan is an internet connection provider in Bratislava and its wider surroundings. The OM3KII radio club also contributed and SZR provided line radio. Filip OM1AI was mainly involved in the commissioning, OM1AEG tone, Dodo OM1VL, Roman OM3EI, Miro OM1RA a radioklub OM3KII.
OM1AEG tone