CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2018
27.-28.10.2018 from 00,00 do 24,00 UTC je CQWW DX CONTEST SSB. Connections are established with all stations. Bands: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz.
It applies to all categories, that all RXs and TXs, used by the competitor, they must be placed in a circle with a diameter 500 m. A condition applies to all High Power categories, that the total power on any band must not be greater than 1500 W, while the power is measured at the PA output. All antennas used in the contest must be physically cabled to the transmitters and receivers used in the contest. It is not possible to use the same tag for multiple categories.
Remote (distant, remotely controlled) a station is defined as a set of transmitters, receivers and antennas located in a circle with a diameter 500 m. Remote receivers off
said circle are prohibited. Spotting your own brand or requesting spotting by other stations is prohibited.
When using two or more transmitters on one band, It MUST be hardware
secured, so that only one signal can be on the band at the same time. Pairing of two or more transmitters in alternating calling of the challenge
is forbidden.
It is also forbidden to make post-test modifications and corrections of marks in the logo based on different
databases, records, emails etc. Such a mark must be entered in the diary, what operator sends during the connection. For the stations of the ITU Region 1 (OM and OK also belong there) broadcasting outside the permitted bands is prohibited, that means in the band 40 m nad 7200 kHz
and in the band 160 m pod 1810 kHz.
A. SINGLE OPERATOR – the operator performs all activities related to the operation and logging of connections by himself. Operators in the SOAB category can change bands at any time. Only one broadcast signal is allowed at any time.
1. SOAB (HP, LP, QRP) - it is forbidden to use DX cluster, skimmer and other auxiliary networks and technologies
2. SOSB (HP, LP, QRP) - it is forbidden to use the DX cluster, skimmer and other auxiliary networks and technologies
3. SOAB Assisted (HP, LP, QRP) – it is allowed to use the DX cluster, skimmer and other auxiliary
networks and technologies
4. SOSB Assisted (HP, LP, QRP) – it is allowed to use the DX cluster, skimmer and other auxiliary
networks and technologies
B. SINGLE OPERATOR OVERLAY – each participant of the SO category can mark one of the OVERLAY categories in the logo. It does so by inserting a line with the title CATEGORY-OVERLAY into the header of the Cabrillo logo.
1. Classic Operator (CLASSIC) – the operator uses only one TCVR, does not use DX cluster and similar networks and can work max. 24 hours. If it has recorded operation in the log longer than 24 hours, only the first ones will count 24 hours. The tcvr used must not be able to listen during the broadcast. Assisted stations will not be rated in this one
2. Rookie (ROOKIE) – the operator has a concession, from the issue of which they have not expired on the day of the contest
three years. The date of issue of the first concession must be stated in the SOAPBOX field of the diary.
C. MULTI OPERATOR (all bands only) - it is allowed to use DX cluster, skimmer and other auxiliary networks and technologies. The number of operators is not limited. Only one broadcast signal is allowed on one band at any given time.
1. Single TX (HP, LP) (MULTI-ONE) - in any 10-minute period, it is allowed to work on only one band and with only one transmitter (= run TX). The beginning of the 10-minute interval is counted from the establishment of the first connection on the respective band. Exception: it is allowed to make a connection on one additional band, but just in case, if it is a new multiplier (= multiplier TX). However, the 10-minute rule must be observed here as well, t.j. that the multiplier on the next band can only be done after ten minutes have passed. A multiplier transmitter cannot call a challenge. It must be marked in the electronic diary for every connection, which TX made it (run or multiplier).
2. Two TX (MULTI-TWO): They are allowed max. two broadcast signals on two different bands at the same time. Both transmitters can establish connections with all stations. It must be stated in the log for every connection, which transmitter made the connection. Each of the transmitters is allowed max. 8 band changes in any full hour from 00 do 59 min.
3. Multi TX (MULTI-UNLIMITED): It is allowed to work simultaneously on all six
bands. Only one transmitter is allowed on each band.
Competition code: RS(T) + WAZ zone (IF, OK = 15)
Multipliers: countries DXCC/WAE plus IG9/IH9 and WAZ zones on each band separately. /MM stations are counted only as a zone multiplier.
connection with EU station = 1 b.
connection with a DX station = 3 b.
connection with one's own country = 0 b.
Diaries: are sent in Cabrillo format via the web interface at www.cqww.com/logcheck/.
The diary can also be sent by email to the address: ssb@cqww.com (SSB part), resp. cw@cqww.com (CW part). In the title of the e-mail message, state only your contest brand. The server will automatically confirm receipt of your journal. Paper diaries are sent to the address: CQ WW DX Contest, P. O.Box 481, New Carlisle, OH 45344, USA. You need diaries
send within five days after the contest, t.j. do 2.11.2018 23,59 UTC (SSB), resp. 30.11.2018 23,59 UTC (CW).
Recordings: each station in the SO category, which has the ambition to place in the top five of the overall or continental ranking, must make an audio recording of the entire contest operation, as heard by the operator. The evaluator has the right to request a recording until 120 days from the deadline for sending logs.