OK DX RTTY Contest 2013
- Duration and date of duration: 00:00 UTC to 24:00 UTC on Saturday the third full weekend in December.
- Type of operation: RTTY – BAUDOT.
- Bands: 10, 15, 20, 40 a 80 meters according to IARU recommendations
- category:
- A1 – one operator – all bands, power over 100 W – SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH,
- A2 – one operator – all bands, power to 100 W included – SINGLE-OP ALL LOW,
- B – one operator – one band – SINGLE-OP 10M, SINGLE-AT 15M, SINGLE-OP 20M, SINGLE-OP 40M nebo SINGLE-OP 80M,
- C – multiple operators – all bands – MULTI-OP,
- D – audience – SWL.
Competitors in categories A1 and A2 can change the band only once every five minutes.
- Call: CQ OK TEST
- Transmitted code: RST + CQ zone number
- Scoring:
on the bands 10, 15 a 20 meters
1 point for connecting with your own continent,
2 points for other connections;
on the bands 40 a 80 meters
3 points for connecting with your own continent,
6 points for other connections. - Multipliers: DXCC countries and different OK stations on each band.
- Final result: the sum of points from all bands x (the sum of the countries from all zones + the sum of OK stations from all bands).
- Diplomas:
winners in individual categories,
winners in each DXCC country, if it weighs at least 10% connection of the winner of the relevant category, but more than 30 connection,
Category A winners will receive a plaque,
winners in the Czech Republic in category A will receive plaques, which were donated by OK1DIG and OK1DVM. - Diaries: in Cabrillo format must be sent no later than 14. the day after the race via the web interface on http://okrtty.crk.cz. In case of problems it can be sent to the address “okrtty at .cz”.Student diaries can be in ASCII text format and must contain a date, time, zone, the station code and the transmitted code and the station code. The summary must contain a tag, name and address of the participant and scoring. The receipt of the diaries will be confirmed by e-mail.