“OLD NEW YEAR” Contest 2021
“OLD NEW YEAR” The contest is based on the Russian tradition of celebrating two "New Year" days every year – one according to the Gregorian calendar and the other according to the Julian calendar. This tradition began in 1918, when Russia switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar (used in most countries of the world today).
the second Saturday of January from 5 do 9 UTC, in year 2021 ie January 9
10 to 80 meters, without WARC
radio amateurs from around the world
Single operator – CW HIGH, Single operator – CW LOW, Single operator – SSB HIGH, Single operator – SSB LOW, Single operator –MIXED HIGH, Single operator –MIXED LOW, Single operator – in bands greater than 50 years HIGH, Single operator – in bands greater than 50 years LOW, Single operator – the sum of the age of the operator and the activity in the bands more than 100 years HIGH, Single operator – the sum of the age of the operator and the activity in the bands more than 100 years LOW, Multi operator HIGH, Multi operator LOW, SWL. It's LOW POWER 100 W or less. Participation is only omnipotent.
SSB operators mostly use Russian during this competition, but part of the CW is truly international.
Valid connection:
all connections, including home country, are counted. QSOs with the same station are allowed in different bands and for MIXED categories also in the same band, but in a different fashion.
Code exchanged:
RS (T) and two or three digits showing the sum of the age of the operator and the number of years in the bands. Multi-op stations broadcast "average team age" (the sum of the ages of the operators divided by the number of operators) plus the number of years, during which the station exists.
each connection with the exchanged code gets points. No multiplier is used in this competition. The final score is the sum of points for all bands.
They are sent via the web interface http://ua9qcq.com/en/submit_log.php?lang=en or by email to contest@radio.ru in Cabrillo format by January 24 2021