9L5A Sierra Leone

Members of Radio Club de Provins F6KOP started on bands like 9L5A from Sierra Leone. He makes up the whole team 15 operators led by Patrick F2DX. The operation will last until December 8 2024. Equipment, which they brought with them is impressive:

6x TS-590SG
4x ACOM 1010 (one as a backup)
3x ACOM 500S
1x satellite station for QO-100
1x pentaplexer for bands 10, 15, 20m
3x high-performance bandpass filter for bands 10, 15, 20m
20x low-power bandpass filter
6x notebook s Windows: Win-test pre CW/SSB, MSHV pre FT8 a N1MM for RTTY
3x 4G router
Diesel generator 10,5 kVA
500m of coaxial cable
Hexbeam on 5 band
Hexbeam on 5 bands with a triplexer on 20, 15, 10m
VDA antennas: 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m a 10m
Vertical antennas (quarter wavelength): 30m, 40m, 60m a 80m
160m (with capacitive hat)
6m DX Beam so 6 elements
Satellite antennas for QO-100
Receiving antennas for low bands

9L5A logo
9L5A logo

Bandplán 9L5A

6 50095 50115   50313/50323
10 28015 28440 28100 28095
12 24891 24965 24918 24920
15 21019 21255 21085 21080
17 18071 18152 18102 18100
20 14015 14240 14088 14090
30 10110   10144 10133
40 7012 7120/7075 7044 7071
60 5351.5     5357
<80 3520 3785 3585 3567
160 1823.5     1843
QO-100   10489.900  

They work exclusively in SPLIT mode! Before making a call, pay attention to the SPLIT MODE setting on your TCVR and listen to the operator's instructions.

CW: that 1-5 kHz
SSB: that 5-15 kHz
RTTY: that 3-10 kHz

FT8: We use the MSHV program for FT8 (2 to 6 slots) on announced frequencies. Like a DXpedition (fox) we do not use F/H mode. All callers can contact us in normal mode (with locator or report) and stay on your frequency, even if we answer. Please, do not call us on our broadcast frequencies! The connection will be entered in our log after sending RR73 or 73.

9L5A QSL information

We don't need your QSL card, so please use first OQRS on Club Log for direct and bureau requests for 9L5A. If you don't want to use OQRS, you can either send us a QSL card directly, or through the bureau.


All donors via Club Log with a minimum contribution 7 USD/EUR will be listed on our sponsors page and can request their direct QSL card through OQRS for free.

OQRS (Online QSL Request System)

OQRS will be opened shortly after the end of the DXpedition (after fixing the logo). The price for a direct QSL is 4 USD/EUR with no limit on the number of QSOs. You will help us save office costs, if you use OQRS for bureau, as this service will be free for you.

Direct QSL ticket

We do not accept IRC coupons. Please, send cash only (USD or EUR) without coins.
When requesting a paper card by letter, Please, attach 3 USD or EUR and a marked return envelope (SAE).
Your request for a direct QSL card (no limit on the number of QSOs) send to the address of our QSL manager:

Christian BERNARD, F5GSJ
19, Avenue Hoche

QSL via Buro

Send your card through our QSL manager: F5GSJ

LoTW (Logbook of The World)

The LoTW log will be uploaded and free to all shortly after the DXpedition (after fixing the logo).

QSL processing details

– QSL cards will be printed to 6 weeks after our return.
– Don't forget to fix the errors in the log after the DXpedition at **9l5a.dxp@gmail.com**
– OQRS-Direct and direct requests will be processed first.
– Requests for corrections of incorrectly entered call signs will be processed subsequently.
– Buro and OQRS-Buro requirements will be handled at the end.
– QSL requests with insufficient return postage will be processed through the bureau.
– We do not use eQSL service.

You can find the online log at https://clublog.org/charts/?c=9l5a

Sierra Leone

Rare butterflies also make up the uniqueness of nature in Sierra Leone
Rare butterflies also make up the uniqueness of nature in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is a country located on the west coast of Africa, known for its beautiful beaches, rich culture and natural resources. The capital, Freetown, has historical significance as a haven for freed slaves. The country has a diverse landscape from tropical forests to mountains and savannas.

However, Sierra Leone is also known for its difficult history, including civil war (1991–2002), which left deep traces. Today, it strives for economic recovery and stability. Major industries include diamond mining, agriculture and fishing.

Nature and national parks, I'm Tiwai Island, they attract tourists, who want to get to know the unique biodiversity. Local residents, known for their hospitality, they speak mostly English and Krio. Sierra Leone symbolizes hope for a better future through education and development.

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