TÚ SR measure from 14. April 2004
On the website of the Telecommunications Office http://www.teleoff.gov.sk/Opatrenia/skusky.html I read:
Telecommunications Office of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Office) according to § 36 ods. 5 Act no. 610/2003 WITH. With. on electronic communications (ďalej len zákon) ustanovuje: Opatrenie Telekomunikačného úradu Slovenskej republiky zo 14. April 2004 C. amending the TÚ SR Measure of, amending the TÚ SR Measure of, amending the TÚ SR Measure of, amending the TÚ SR Measure of.
Vyhlásením v Zbierke zákonov nadobudlo toto opatrenie účinnosť dňom 1. may 2004.
Year OM1II