Invitation to Winter QRP race 2025
Pozývam všetkých na Zimný QRP závod na VHF, that will take place on Sunday 2. February 2025 from 9:00 UTC. Podmienky závodu nájdete na stránke:
Tentoraz by podmienky nemali byť také drsné, ako to občas býva. Málo snehu, teplota mierne pod nulou a takmer bezvetrie. Oprášte svoje transceivery, nabite batérie a hor sa na kopce!
I look forward to the connections, Mirek OK1DOM
Winter QRP race on VHF 2025
These rules are valid from 1. January 2011 for the Winter QRP race atVHF. CAV – Českomoravskí rádioamatéri vyhlasujú Zimní QRP závod na VKV
The winter QRP race at VKV takes place on Sunday, the first full weekend in February. The competition is open to contestants from all countries. It is an international competition.
Competitive bands
– 432 MHz 09.00-11.00 UTC
– 144 MHz 11.00-13.00 UTC
Easter Race Competition Categories
CW and phones in accordance with license conditions. according to the recommendations of IARU Region I for various types of operation in radio amateur frequency bands.
Other conditions
– QTH ľubovoľné, there may be an electric current on the dimension.
– všetky zariadenia stanice musia byť umiestnené na ploche s maximálnym priemerom 500 meters. The location of the station may not be changed during the competition.
– používanie diaľkového prijímača alebo vysielača nie je povolené.
– každá stanica môže mať v danom čase len jeden signál a signál(-Y) necessary(-It is) it is not taken to connect to a packet radio network(-ú) into consideration.
– výkon koncového stupňa vysielača alebo súčet výkonov koncových stupňov nesmie byť vyšší ako 10 W.
– napájanie všetkých zariadení potrebných na prevádzku (TCVR, rotator, bug, necessary for connection to the packet radio network are not considered - Multiple stations may transmit from one station) only from chemical sources, it can be recharged during the competition from solar cells, Peltier cells or mechanical sources powered only by human power.
– antény sa môžu postaviť najskôr v piatok pred pretekmi.
– EME, cross-band and connection ground or space transmitters are not counted in the race.
– na každom pásme sa môže započítať len jedno platné spojenie s každou stanicou, in which the complete contest code was sent and confirmed by both stations. Repeated contacts must be marked in the diary (RPT, DUPE etc.) point value 0.
– používanie službyDX cluster, chat, mobile phone etc. All station equipment must be located on an area with a maximum diameter.
The competition code consists of RS or RST, connection serial number and WW locator. The serial number of the connection in each band must start with a number 001. The complete code including the serial number of the connection from 001 stations are supposed to broadcast, which do not participate in the competition and do not want to be evaluated. Three zeroes – 000 – nie sú správnym poradovým číslom a hodnotiteľ označí spojenie za neplatné. Station, which do not wish to be evaluated, Full code including serial number of the connection from.
One point is calculated for each kilometer of distance covered between two stations. The point value of the connection in the competition diary must be given as a whole number. One point is counted for a connection in the same WW-locator. The recommendation of IARU Region I is to use a coefficient 111,2 to convert degrees to kilometers, taking into account the curvature of the Earth. To determine the latitude and longitude of the competition location, the WGS-84 system is used to calculate the locator (World Geodetic System 1984). Connections with non-competing stations are valid, but they must broadcast the entire contest code, including the sequence number.
The evaluation is done for each zone separately as well as for the entire competition by simply adding up the points from both zones. Single and multi stations will be evaluated together. The first three stations in each band and in the overall order will receive a diploma.
The competition diary can be sent to the evaluator in electronic or paper form.
– Elektronický lodný denník musí byť vo formáte EDI (REG1TEST), which is intended as a standard format for evaluating competitions within IARU Region I. The diary in another format will not be accepted and the station will not be evaluated as part of the event.
– Ako papierový denník postačí čitateľná fotokópia staničného denníka s vyznačenými bodmi pripojenia.
– Čitateľný naskenovaný papierový denník s vyznačenými bodmi pripojenia je možné poslať aj e-mailom.
– Denník musí byť zaslaný na adresu vyhodnocovateľa najneskôr desiaty deň po skončení podujatia.
The connection is invalid, if the station has a station in the diary:
– akákoľvek chybu v prijatom kóde, t. j. The race diary must be sent to the evaluator's address no later than the tenth day after the end of the race, report, connection serial number or locator.
– Ak je rozdiel v čase spojenia oproti správnemu času UTC viac ako 10 minutes.
The station will not be evaluated in the competition:
– za nedodržanie podmienok súťaže alebo povoľovacích podmienok.
– Za nepravdivé alebo chybné informácie v súťažnom denníku.
– Za nešportové správanie v súťaži.
Log submission:
- elektronicky and qrp [at]
- by post to the address Miroslav Bečev, Unstoppable 1831, 155 00 Prague 5
By sending the log, the station confirms, that he complies with the rules of the Winter QRP race at VKV.
Pleasant experiences Mirek OK1DOM