Why the attenuation link between the LNB and the QO-100 receiver?
It is a habit in amateur radio practice, that we are trying to make a profit, not attenuated. Preamplifiers and amplifiers are perhaps in every receiver.
Read more...TVI (Televison Interference) je rušenie TV príjmu rádioamatérskym vysielaním. Vzniká buď z dôvodu nekvalitného signálu vysielača alebo závadou na strane TV reťazca či oboch strán. Za bežných okolností je šanca na vznik TVI nízka keďže úroveň výkonu rádioamatérskeho vysielača je nízka.
It is a habit in amateur radio practice, that we are trying to make a profit, not attenuated. Preamplifiers and amplifiers are perhaps in every receiver.
Read more...What is interference, how to proceed correctly in case of interference and contacts to the workplaces of TÚ SR. Interference protection (§ 68
Read more...Most radio amateurs have already heard about the requirement to ground the device. Finally, many manuals for commercial equipment are mentioned immediately
Read more...Technical, legal and relational solutions to the TVI problem (Interference from television reception by amateur radio broadcasting) has been described many times in amateur radio in recent decades
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