Seventh Congress of the SZR

On Saturday, September 25 2010 The 7th congress of the Slovak Association of Radio Amateurs will take place in the Piatrová Hotel in Vrútky. The congress takes place regularly in a 4-year cycle and is the highest body of the SZR. It evaluates the results achieved over the last four years, determines tasks for the coming period and elects representatives, who will ensure the activity of the SZR in the time between congresses.


CW pastiche RA1AOM
CW pastiche RA1AOM

Program 7. SZR meeting
07,30 – 09,30 Presentation
09,30 – 09,40 Commencement
09,40 – 09,50 Mandate election, proposal and election committee
09,50 – 10,00 Approval of the convention's rules of procedure
10,00 – 11,00 Report on the activities of the SZR for the past period
11,00 – 11,10 Report on the management and state of property of the SZR
11,10 – 11,20 Report of the Audit Committee
11,20 – 12,00 News discussion
12,00 – 12,45 Competition for the most beautiful photo from Nova hole
12,45 – 13,30 News discussion
13,30 – 13,40 Report of the mandate committee
13,40 – 14,30 Changes to the statutes and organizational rules of the SZR
14,30 – 14,45 Determination of SZR member contributions
14,45 – 15,00 Break
15,00 – 15,30 Elections of the president of the SZR, 1. vice president and 2. vice president
15,30 – 16,00 Elections of members of the SZR presidium and members of the revision commission
16,00 – 16,30 The draft resolution and its approval and the closing speech of the new president

Rules of Procedure 7. SZR meeting

Construction is also part of amateur radio
Construction is also part of amateur radio

1. In addition to delegates, guests and journalists can participate in the convention. The agenda will take into account the separation of delegates from other attendees.
2. Delegates have the right to vote, to vote, discuss and propose.
3. Guests have the right to speak in the discussion.
4. Attendees sign up for the discussion in writing. The discussion post should not be longer than 5 minutes, factual reminder 1 a minute.
5. Voting is done in accordance with the statutes, by publicly raising a ballot, or secretly.
6. The approved convention program must be followed.
7. Smoking is not allowed in the meeting room.

Organizational instructions for 7. SZR meeting

DL7AOT satellite antenna controller
DL7AOT satellite antenna controller

1. Written proposals to change documents (statutes, the organization order of the SZR and the program focus of the SZR), as well as proposals for SZR officials, possibly completed delegation sheets of delegates, it is necessary to send registered mail to the SZR address in advance. This will simplify the preparation of the convention and prevent misunderstandings during the presentation and during the negotiations.
2. Calling all members, to thoroughly familiarize themselves with all materials, but especially with the organization order of the SZR, detailing the rights and obligations of delegates, but also about the congress itself.
3. Is necessary, for members to prepare their candidates for elected positions, and that they should already think about suitable delegates for the convention, who will represent them. Delegates present a delegation sheet during the presentation (of, who do not send it in advance to the SZR secretariat), signed by individual members of the SZR. It is therefore important, that the delegates also check the membership of the SZR for all those signed on their delegation sheet.
4. During the presentation, it will be possible to submit written proposals to SZR officials (application letter), resp. proposals for changing documents.
5. Travel expenses will be reimbursed to delegates on the basis of valid travel documents and in accordance with measures approved by the Presidium of the SZR.
6. Until the beginning of the convention, Fr 9,00 throw. delegates must take their place in the meeting room.

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