Silent key OM3JS
Today, on 4.3.2014 he left us in the age of the undead 82 years our excellent friend and good person Alojz Dlugoš, OM3JS (ex OM3TJS, OK3JS). Lojzo was one of the co-founding members of the radio club in Svit and our radio club OM3KHU Humenné, to which he devoted much of his time, effort and work. For many years he also worked there as its chairman and manager. He was actively engaged in work on KV and VHF bands, as well as work with youth. Who did you know him?, give him a silent memorial.
The funeral will take place on Thursday 6.3.2014 O 13:00 throw. from the house of mourning in Humenno.
People, OM0ATU