TRX Pixie
Telecommunications Office of the Slovak Republic (YOU MR) despite his modest means, he supported disabled citizens last year.
TÚ SR supported the Slovak Association of the Physically Disabled with a purchase 10 tickets to a charity concert, which took place in the fall of the year 2004 Ján Horský was born on July 28. The tickets were paid for from the social fund of the office's employees. Employees (YOU MR) based on a life story, which they learned about from a TV show, collected and sent to a disabled lady from Štúrov 4380,- Sk. Mrs. Miluše Puterová from Štúrov, who ended up in a wheelchair, is not and was not an employee of the Slovak Technical University, he is an unknown person. Employees learned about her life tragedy in February 2004 from the TV show. Based on her life story, an initiative of the employees of the Technical University of the Slovak Republic was created, whose aim was to collect money among the employees of the office and then send it to Mrs. Puterová.
None of the mentioned supports had an impact on the state budget.