Results of the 8th stage of GLP 2016

Results of the 8th stage of GLP, 29.-30.October 2016

Less SWL ID Score
1 Sick Veenstra NL6904 28951
2 Kees Schout NL294 10220
3 Dusan Hanak OK2-9329 9300
4 Johan Heus NL9723 9040
5 Marc Stinkens ONL4638 8588
6 Alex Gorbunov US-Q-73 7638
7 Helmut Grund DE2 HUG 4747
8 Aleksandr Boyko US-Q-2115 3124
9 White Sirucka OK2-36449 1620
10 Oleg Ivanchenko UB50734221 204

Final results of the SLP Competition 2016

NL6904 10125 9648 26780 6758 0 0 9877 28951 92139
ONL4638 ( 0 ) 3900 7245 7770 5980 11815 ( 0 ) 8588 45298
NL9723 ( 0 ) 9525 9477 4365 5632 ( 0 ) 5280 9040 43319
NL294 4277 ( 0 ) 9313 ( 0 ) 3200 11122 3822 10220 41954
DE2HUG 3496 3600 5610 2993 ( 0 ) 9450 ( 0 ) 4747 29896
RU4SS 7747 0 20844 0 0 0 0 0 28591
US-Q-73 5612 1881 7980 0 0 0 5046 7638 28157
OK2-9329 0 0 2035 0 0 4590 1716 9300 17641
US-Q-2115 1624 ( 0 ) 4698 1566 ( 0 ) 667 1242 3124 12921
OK2-36449 0 0 2310 0 0 0 0 1620 3930
F70043 1188 551 0 0 0 0 0 0 1739
F10370 0 1656 0 0 0 0 0 0 1656
UA3182SWL 0 0 0 0 0 0 1386 0 1386
UB50734221 0 0 396 126 60 25 72 204 883

( 0 ) means: hodnota bola vymazaná pri výslednej kalkulácii poradia podľa pravidla č.9 SLP Competition o počte započítavaných výsledkov

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