Results of the race "Spring sprint with low performance" 2008

Results of the race "Spring sprint with low performance" 2008
which took place on March 24 2008 (Easter Monday)

Results of the 2008 Low Power „Spring Sprint“ Contest
Held on 24th March 2008 (Easter Monday)
This international contest is organised by the Slovak Amateur Radio Association (SARA)

Category A (1W) – one band – single band

1. OL4W 3,5 MHz 12699 points / points on. OK1IF
2. DL4CW 7 3087
3. OM1II 3,5 1380

Category C (5W) – one band – single band

1. OK2BWJ 3,5 MHz 8064
2. RW9LL 7 4125
3. PA0CMU 7 4059
4. SM6IQD 3,5 2850

Category C (5W) – 2/3 bands – bands

1. YL2CV 3,5 7 MHz 37848
2. OK1FKD 1,8 3,5 7 18690
3. DK5RY 3,5 7 14 12300
4. G4FDC 3,5 7 14 11424
5. OM6JO 3,5 7 4851
6. PA0ATG 3,5 7 3312
7. Multiband HF antenna 3,5 7 2145
8. OK2BND 3,5 7 1767

Category Q (25W) – one band – single band

1. OM3KMK 7 MHz 2139 on. OM4RF

Category Q (25W) – all bands – all bands

1. OM7DX 1,8 – 28 MHz 89760

Category X (50W) – one band – single band

1. OM3CDN 7 MHz 10833
2. OM5LR 7 8352

Category X (50W) – 2/3 bands – bands

1. LZ2FM 3,5 7 14 MHz 27336
2. OM6AC 3,5 7 19008
3. OK1MNV 3,5 7 10731
4. G3RSD 3,5 7 6908

Category Y (100W) – one band – single band

1. YL2HK 7 MHz 8664

Category Y (100W) – 2/3 bands – bands

1. DL3KVR 1,8 3,5 7 MHz 44253
2. DL2OM 3,5 7 14 42840
3. YL3DX 3,5 7 41850
4. RW6AHO 3,5 7 14 34713
5. OK2MBP 1,8 3,5 7 30132
6. EU6AA 3,5 7 18048

Category Y (100W) – all bands – all bands

1. OK1KZ 1,8 3,5 7 14 MHz 29640
2. OM3TRO 1,8 3,5 7 14 9940

Diary for inspection (Check Log): PA0LOU

Evaluated: A. Repeat OM6SA

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