Geminidy 2016
This meteor swarm is one of the most interesting swarms from the amateur radio point of view. Swarm activity is lower compared to stronger swarms, but the activity of the stations is even higher. Expeditions and World Championship races contribute to this. What should we prepare for??
The swarm will be active od 17.decembra 2016, s predpokladaným maximom v noci z 13. on December 14. Predpokladané ZHR je 100-120. Roj sa skladá z množstva drobných častí prelietavajúcich atmosférou rýchlosťou 35 km/s. However, in the width of the maximum, the forecasts differ greatly, from a few to tens of hours.
If cloudy skies don't mind, it will be possible to observe the Geminids with the naked eye, pričom najvhodnejšia budú asi noci 12. a 15.decembra okolo druhej hodiny nadránom, nakoľko Mesiac bude rušiť svetelné pozorovania.
Užitočné linky: WSJT download, MSHV download, ON4KST chat, Make More Miles on VHF