CW key
CW key

Introduction: First a few explanatory words for the younger amateur generation. Cca do r. 1990 OK concessions were issued only from 18 years of holder's age. Fortunately, there was an option to apply for a special permit for youth (15 to 19 years of age) and with any luck receive it, i.e.. get an assigned mark, beginning with OL with a three-letter suffix. The permitted band was 160m (CW only of course), 2m and 70 cm with power up to 10 W. This had an undeniable advantage in that, that when they met on the strip 2 OL stations, it was clear to both of them that the counterpart is someone their age with the same interests, and friendships were made all the easier. To remember the time, when we had a lot of fun broadcasting and meeting each other, we decided to organize an OL Party for all ex-OLs and other HAMs, who have a positive relationship with OL, TOP band or for fun.

The purpose of the race: We want to broadcast a little and find out, which of the old acquaintances of OL has an OK-OM brand and if he still hasn't resented the ether. From the last similar event (results here) we have grown old willy-nilly o 7 let, some of the participants at the time started asking when the next round would be… It's not important to win, but to chat with acquaintances…

CW pastiche
CW pastiche

Date and time of event
Saturday 11.9.2010 1900Z-2100 UTC tj. 2100-2300 LČ (2 hours) FYI sunset 1910 LČ

Bands and types of traffic
CW 160m only:
1850 – 1950 kHz (original band assigned by OL 1750-1950 kHz limited according to current regulations and recommendations)
3520-3560 kHz; for those who don't have a TOP band, so that they can also enjoy the krapet… Non-binding recommendation: first hour 160m, the second 80m (those who can't sleep).

A: Former OL: Radio amateur stations of individuals, who were holders of a special radio amateur license for youth in the past (OL). Performance like anyone (like once upon a time…). Participation in category A is not limited to OK and OM stations, on the contrary, ex-OLs from anywhere in the world are cordially invited.

B: Youth: Station, which operators have not yet reached 19 years of age. dB and dynamic range at a distance: unfortunately, she did not participate in the last year. They are not followers?

C: Other supporters

Transmitted code: Stations transmit a code consisting of the RST and the sequence number of the connection, regardless of the band from the number 99 DESCENT. After reaching 00 continues again 99. (We acknowledge, that it complicates the use of the PC log, but these were also not commonly used in the OL era. Try paper and pencil again, resp. to key on a snare or klófka!)
Category A stations also give their ex-OL brand.

Connection = 1 that
Turning on the device (1x per race; for the effort, for those who don't go anywhere – so-called. diligent participant) 3 body
Sending a report (anyone can count, even those who don't have a device – so-called. sympathetic participant) 5 points
It also applies to connections with stations that do not compete and do not transmit code – we don't force anyone to race!

Multipliers: Different OL brands in accepted competition code, on each band separately. Own OL mark is also counted as a multiplier once per race.

Side note: A total of up to 8 points without making a single QSO. What other race will offer you this! However, only category A participants in this case get one necessary multiplier needed for a non-zero result and will therefore be listed in the result list. The purpose is to at least make yourself known…

HF antenna
HF antenna

Reports and logs
The report from the plant must contain:

  • Brand used
  • Competition category
  • For category A competitors, the former OL brand
  • For category B contestants, date of birth
  • Number of QSOs on each band
  • Number of points for turning on TRX (if the person claims them; whoever makes even a single QSO gets these points automatically)
  • The number of multipliers on each band separately (for category A without its own multiplier)
  • Final result: the total point sum for both bands plus additional points times the total sum of the multipliers for both bands

Who doesn't want to, does not need to count the total result (the evaluator will do so). There is no need to send the diary.

Send the report via packet radio and e-mail to Pavla OK1DX, packet OK1DX@OK0NAG.#BOH.CZE.EU, email ok1dx@amsat.org. These must be delivered by 31 days after the end of the race.

The race will be evaluated until 1 months from the deadline for sending diaries. The results will be announced on this www page and on the Packet radio network.

Diplomas, medals, souvenirs: The absolute winner of the OL party and the winners of individual categories will receive a colorful diploma (A4).

If sponsors are found, there is also the possibility of valuable prizes (the winner of the last round received a bottle of quality plum wine from Víti OK2ZV ex OL6BES, it also reached the others in the leading places.) Potential sponsors should contact Pavel OK1DX.

All participants will receive a commemorative QSL with category and location through the QSL service. There will be a conversion chart between current and ex OL participant brands on the QSL, obtained from reports received.

The result will be marked on the commemorative QSLs as follows: Placed on … place from the END of the starting field in the category… After all, a person is more pleased to read how many stations he has beaten than how many were before him…

Finally: Sorry TOP band RIG, chase the bugs out of it and re-stretch the piece of wire from the window, let there be as many of us QRV as possible!

Please former OL, to help spread the word to their peers.

For the organizer – Pavel OK1DX ex OL3AXS http://ok1dx.cz/index.php

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