SSB CQ WPX Contest preliminary ranking 2024
On you can see the preliminary ranking before checking the logs. The team CN3A reached almost 109 million points. Slovak stations did not occupy all categories. In an all-band single with a great performance by Tibor OM2VL overtook Jožek OM3GI (OM0R). However, both results are very high in the European ranking. In the same category, but with little power (do 100W) Boris succeeded OM1BCO. The 80m band also had a larger presence, where Milan was most successful OM5KM. They also worked hard for the result as a team OM7M, whose score stopped just short of the 40-million mark.
Czech competitors, except for the already mentioned team CN3A they occupied several categories. They probably also found more courage to risk higher bands, for example, Rost OK2PVF (OL9Z) with great performance, or Martin OK1WCF a Karel OK1TA at 10m.
This is what the SSB WXP Contest CQ piece looks like 2024 from the other side of the world: